Published in the Citizen Herald Oct. 1, 2008
Enter the Lions Club International Poster Contest for a chance to win $2,500 and a trip to the United Nations in New York City ! That’s what the grand prize winner will receive.
There will also be 23 merit award winners who will win $500 each, and a certificate.
Locally, here in the Jesup area, the first-place winners will receive a $50 Savings Bond and a certificate.
Who can enter
While the Peace Poster Contest for Lions Club International is open to all ages, only participants who are ages 11, 12 and 13 by Nov. 15, 2008 will advance to the state and international contest.
Locally, here in Jesup, there will be three age groups: ages 10 and under; ages 11-13 (those go on to state/international contest); and ages 14 and over.
What to draw
The theme for the Poster Contest is Peace Begins with Me.
Letters or numbers cannot be used on the front of the poster.
Any type of media can be used, however, chalk, charcoal and pastel entries should be sealed with a fixative spray. (Don’t laminate your poster.)
Artwork should measure no smaller than 13 x 20 inches and no larger than 20 x 24 inches. The artwork should not be framed or matted or folded. It must be able to be rolled for shipping in a mailing tube.
No three-dimensional entries will be accepted.
Where to take your entry
Artwork entries may be brought to the Citizen Herald office at 930 6th Street, Jesup, by 5 PM Friday, October 31, 2008.
Posters are judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme.
Use the theme “Peace Begins with Me” to decide what to create. Make sure the size is correct and pay attention to the detail of the work.
Try to create something different from the rest.
To see a sample of a poster that won in the past, go to and go to “youth programs.”
There will be one international grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners.
The international grand prize winner will receive a trip to a special award ceremony with the sponsoring club president and two family members at Lions Day with the United Nations in New York City, NY. The artist will also be presented with an engraved plaque and $2,500 cash prize.
Each of the 23 merit award winners will receive $500 and a certificate.
Local winners will receive a $50 Savings Bond and a certificate from the Jesup Lions Club.
The local contest is sponsored by the Jesup Lions Club and the Citizen Herald.
Local contest chairpersons are Rich Schaefer, 319-827-6892, and Kim Adams, 319-827-1128.
Republish by : CITRA IRAWAN,SP
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