Watch Slideshows from our earlier Photo Contest
2006 Microfinance Photo Contest Slideshow2007 Microfinance Photo Contest Slideshow
008 CGAP Microfinance Photo Contest: Innovators and entrepreneursCGAP invites photographers of all levels of expertise to enter the CGAP Microfinance Photo Contest. Microfinance around the world is a varied and rapidly developing field, and this year's theme, innovators and entrepreneurs, speaks to the creativity of our industry. By sharing your striking images of financial services reaching poor people today with us, you'll reach countless others with the message of microfinance. We know from past results that you'll be inventive in capturing the diversity, dynamism, and impact of our work. This year, we've added some special categories to reflect our overall theme of innovation. We'd like to see images of entrepreneurial activities at work. How are people using finance in nontraditional ways? What innovations are financial service providers using to serve people who would not otherwise be reached, including those living in rural and remote areas? We hope you'll use your imagination in thinking about the clients of microfinance and those who deliver the innovations to help meet their financial needs. The judges will select one grand prize winner, one second place winner, and 22 honorable mentions across the whole Contest. Photos that represent innovation in the delivery, oversight, or funding of financial services may also receive awards at the judges' discretion. The winning images will be published by CGAP in a publication and displayed online at They will be included in a slideshow and screensaver that will be shared with the industry for use at conferences. Winning images may be printed for exhibition in partnership with the World Bank and Citi. Winning photographers may receive the prizes listed below. Please read the following rules carefully. WHO: The CGAP Microfinance Photo Contest is open to all photographers at least 18 years of age, except the operational team of CGAP and their immediate families. WHAT: We are looking for original, striking images of microfinance around the world that capture what microfinance means to you. These images may reflect the wide variety of microfinance and microenterprise development around the world, representing a range of products, institutions, and methodologies, and may touch on a broad range of social, economic, developmental, and technological issues. We encourage entries from all regions, in both rural and urban settings. We expect to receive images that represent technology, institutions, money, microfinance transactions and impact, policy/regulation, human capacity, and people and their environment. Photo submissions must be accompanied by a brief description of the photo, including the place and country where it was taken, and how it reflects advancing financial access to people through microfinance. Entries must be: • The original work of the entrant o General Entries will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact, and artistic merit. The story behind the photo, submitted as a paragraph or brief essay, may influence the judges’ decisions. Decisions made by the judges are final. New this year: At the judges’ discretion, a special award for $250 in photography equipment will be awarded for up to two photographs that depict issues around the use of technology (cards, information systems, mobile phones) and policy and regulatory issues relating to microfinance (e.g., issues around interest rates, transparency, AML/CFT regulations). JUDGES: Judges will include Elizabeth Littlefield, CGAP CEO and a World Bank director, and professional photographers. WHEN: All entries, whether submitted electronically or mailed or shipped, must be received by CGAP before noon EST September 15, 2008. CGAP will not be held responsible for mail that was not received. Receipt of packages cannot be acknowledged. Entries will not be returned. WINNING ENTRIES: Prizes will be awarded as described below. A selection of winning photos may be featured on CGAP’s Web sites, and, and in exhibitions at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., and other prestigious venues. Winning images also may be used to decorate CGAP offices and in a slideshow for use at conferences and workshops. All entries may be used by CGAP in printed publications, on Web sites, in a slideshow and screensaver, or in any other media, and may be copied and displayed in any country, provided that all uses are accompanied by appropriate attribution to the photographer. Entrants retain ownership and all other rights to future use of their photographs. CGAP shall have the right to verify, in its sole judgment, winner eligibility. LEGAL CONDITIONS: To enter the contest, entrants must agree to certain legal conditions (see section “Legal Conditions”). Entry of photographs into the contest implies acceptance of contest rules, regardless of whether entrants sign a statement confirming acceptance. PRIZES: CGAP intends to award the following prizes: One Grand Prize winning package And One Second place $250 in photography equipment Special award for images that represent innovation in delivery, oversight, or funding of financial services (number to be determined solely at judges’ discretion) Twenty-two (22) Winners from across the categories Any federal, state, and local taxes, fees, and surcharges on prizes are the sole responsibility of the prize winners. HOW: A total of up to 20 photographs may be submitted per person. We prefer to receive digital entries by e-mail, but entries may be digital files, digital prints, color prints, or black-and-white prints. Digital entries: Camera-made digital images or scans of prints should be e-mailed as high-resolution jpegs or tif files. Each entrant also must submit a completed Application Form (an electronic form is available at Original negatives must be available for scanned photographs. Original files of camera-made digital photos must be three (3) megapixels or larger. Mailed or shipped entries: Each photograph must bear the photographer’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address, if applicable, entry number (1–20), and a brief description of the photo and how it reflects advancing financial access to people through microfinance. All images must be sent together in one package. Repeat this information one time on a separate, single sheet of paper; include your occupation/microfinance affiliation; a description of the type of film and photography equipment used for each photo; and a brief description of where, when, and how the photograph was taken. Please do not send a cover letter. Negatives must be available for all prints, but please do not send them until contacted. Prints may be mounted, but print and/or mount size must be no larger than 11 inches by 14 inches. Sandwich sheets or prints between cardboard, wrap with a rubber band, and enclose in a mailing envelope. Do not use tape. Entries will not be returned. CGAP cannot be responsible for lost, damaged, late or misdirected entries, or for faulty uploading connections, garbled transmissions, unauthorized intervention, or technical malfunctions. Winners will be notified by e-mail or telephone, according to information provided on the entry form. If any winner fails to claim his or her prize within 60 days of being notified, that winner may forfeit his or her prize. WHERE: Send mailed or shipped entries to Inquiries and entries can also be sent by e-mail. |
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