Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Photography Competition : CB Richard Ellis’ 2009 Urban Photographer of the Year

CB Richard Ellis’ 2009 Urban Photographer of the Year
Deadline : 4th December 2009
Entry Fee : Free
Prize : Photo Safari for Two to Jordan

Contest Description
CB Richard Ellis’ 2009 Urban Photographer of the Year Competition – Cities as Work

The 2009 CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year Award is designed to capture the life of the built environment. Now in its second year, the competition sets a brief for photographers to explore life in towns and cities during any single hour of a 24 hour day.

As the world’s largest commercial property advisor, CBRE lives and breathes buildings and their surrounding environment.
Understanding what makes a town or a city work is essential to our thinking and we are constantly looking for fresh perspectives. That’s why we have created the Urban Photographer of the Year Award – to capture a fresh, visual interpretation of 24 hours in the working life of towns and cities.

Anyone can enter, from amateur to professional photographers, of 16 years and over. and entries taken in any urban setting within Europe, the Middle East or Africa are eligible to win.

The Urban Photographer of the Year will be the person who, in the eyes of the judges, has best captured the brief to portray the life of a town or city at a given point in time.

There will be 24 prizes, one awarded for each hour and three major winners and three major prizes – first place and two runners up.

You can choose to photograph any town or city at work within Europe, The Middle East or Africa. For example a photograph could capture London at work at 10am, Lisbon at 2am, Dubai at 9pm and so on. You can enter up to 24 separate photographs but only one for each hour.

Contest Prize & TERMS

Prize Details: The First Prize for the 2009 CB Richard Ellis Urban Photographer of the Year Award is a Photo Safari for Two to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (including accommodation and flights). Jordan encompasses some of the great locations of ancient and modern history.The safari has been arranged with the most prestigious tour organizers in Jordan and last for 7 nights
2nd placeTrevor & Faye are 2 of the UK’s top Fine Art photographers and, uniquely, Trevor is the 4th generation of his family to run the business.Trevor has been Kodak UK Portrait Photographer of the Year for which he was awarded a gold plated Hasselblad camera. He has also twice been Kodak UK Wedding Photographer of the Year and the Master Photographers Association Photographer of the Year.In 2005, Trevor was runner up UK Photographer of the Year with the SWPP. Faye has on three ocassions been Kodak UK Child Photographer of the Year. In 2008 Faye was Awarded the SWPP Bridal Portrait Awards, Glamour Award and the 2009 Open Catagory Award.
3rd place: Lastolite have developed the Lumen8 range of studio flash to meet the demands of the most discerning photographer. The 400w lighting head incorporates a high level of specification.

Eligibility : 16+ resident, in Europe, Middle East or Africa

Copyright: At no stage in this competition, nor subsequent to it shall CB Richard Ellis, or any of the sponsors, lay any claim whatsoever to the ownership of copyright or other intellectual property rights in the images entered into the competition. Where images are used, [other than in the usage agreement in the conditions of entry,] CB Richard Ellis will print a credit to the photographer. You shall indemnify CB Richard Ellis, its employees, contractors and agents and keep them indemnified against all losses, costs, claims, demands, damages and expenses (each whether direct or indirect) arising from any claim that any materials or information you submit infringe the rights of any third party. By entering, competitors agree to their images to be held on CB Richard Ellis databases.

Enter Official Website

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