Saturday, March 12, 2011

Writing Competition - Annual Writer’s Digest International Self-Published Book Awards (Deadline April 2011)

19th Annual Writer's Digest International Self-Published Book Awards
Co-sponsored by Book Marketing Works, LLC


DEADLINE : April 15, 2011

Win $3,000 in cash! Gain international exposure for your book! Catch the attention of prospective editors and publishers!

Writer's Digest is searching for the best self-published books of the past few years. Whether you're a professional writer, part-time freelancer, or a self-starting student, here's your chance to enter the only competition exclusively for self-published books!


ONE GRAND PRIZE WINNER will be awarded $3,000 cash and a trip to the Writer's Digest Conference in New York City. The editors of Writer'sDigest will endorse and submit 10 copies of the Grand Prize-Winning book to major review houses. Brian Jud & Book Marketing Works, LLC will provide a one-year membership in Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), guaranteed acceptance in a special-sales catalog giving you national representation through 1800 salespeople selling to non-bookstore markets, guaranteed acceptance by Atlas Books, a top distributor to wholesalers, chains, independents, and online retailers, six hours of book shepherding from Poynter Book Shepherd Ellen Reid and a guaranteed review in Midwest Book Review.

10 FIRST-PLACE WINNERS will receive $1000 cash and promotion in Writer's Digest. In addition, Brian Jud & Book Marketing Works, LLC will provide a one-year membership in Small Publishers Association of North America (SPAN), a guaranteed review in Midwest Book Review, a one-year membership to Book Central Station where you can find lists of suppliers rated by previous clients, an ebook of Beyond the Bookstore by Brian Jud (with CD) and a copy of Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers by Shel Horowitz.

Plus, all Grand Prize and First Place winners will receive promotion on the Writer's Digest Web site at, a copy of The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing, 4th Edition by Tom and Marilyn Ross, $100 worth of Writer’s Digest Books and a Notable Award Certificate.

HONORABLE MENTION WINNERS will receive promotion at, $50 worth of Writer's Digest Books and a Notable Award Certificate.

All other entrants will receive Certificates of Participation, a brief judge's commentary and a listing with a link on the Writer's Digest Web site, provided an accurate URL is provided.

  1. Mainstream/Literary Fiction
  2. Genre Fiction
  3. Nonfiction
  4. Inspirational (Spiritual, New Age)
  5. Life Stories (Biographies, Autobiographies, Family Histories, Memoirs)
  6. Children's/Picture books
  7. Middle-Grade/Young Adult books
  8. Reference Books (Directories, Encyclopedias, Guide Books)
  9. Poetry

  1. The competition is open to all English-language self-published books for which the authors have paid the full cost of publication, or the cost of printing has been paid for by a grant or as part of a prize.
  2. You may register and pay online for faster service.
  3. Entrants must send a printed and bound book. Entries will be evaluated on content, writing quality and overall quality of production and appearance. No handwritten books are accepted.
  4. All books published or revised and reprinted between 2006 and 2011 are eligible. (Writer's Digest may demand proof of eligibility of semifinalists.)
  5. All books must be accompanied by an Official Entry Form. Photocopies of the Official Entry Form are acceptable. You may enter more than one book and/or more than one category; however, you must include a separate book, entry form and the additional fee for each entry.
  6. Check, money order or credit card payment for the required judging fee of $100 for the first entry, $75 for each additional entry must accompany submissions.
  7. All entries must be postmarked no later than April 15, 2011. All winners will be notified by October 14, 2011. If you wish to receive confirmation that your entry was received before the deadline, we recommend using certified mail or some other tracking method to send your entry.
  8. Judges reserve the right to withhold prizes in any category. Judges reserve the right to recategorize entries.
  9. Books which have previously won awards from Writers Digest are not eligible.
  10. Employees of F+W Media, Inc. and Book Marketing Works, LLC and their immediate families are not eligible. Books published by Abbott Press are not eligible to participate.
  11. Writer's Digest is not responsible for the loss, damage or return of any books submitted to the competition.


First entry : $100
Additional entries : $75 each


Click here to register your entry online
Click here for a printable entry form

SEND books, entry forms and fees (if applicable) TO :

Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards
4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236

DEADLINE : April 15, 2011


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