“Miniature Art Exhibition and Competition 2009: ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’” 11 December 2009 – 30 January 2010
Call for Entries until 5th December
This exhibition will feature a selection of 2D miniature artworks in a variety of mediums and styles from abstract to representational, from Liverpool and North West based artists, children and all those who love being artistically creative or are simply talented within the fine arts. As we are approaching Christmas festivities, we would like the audience to be delighted to support this project with their visits and votes for the best artworks on show. Volunteers for Jury members and all donations are welcomed to support the project.
Why not join in and help to write 2D “Merry Christmas” on the walls of Gallery4allarts, on Lark Lane, decorate an indoors 3D Christmas tree sculptural installation and pack walls with your miniature artworks by creating and submitting 1-15 miniature size artworks by latest 5th December 2009.
Re: Jury member’s volunteers
Call for jury members to be present on the opening day in December. Please, refer to website or call the gallery.
A panel of 5 jury members will be selected randomly from all volunteers, before 3rd December 2009. Elected jury members should not be related (family) to any of the participants to the exhibition. In case this will happen a new jury member will have to be named as soon as possible.
All donations and sponsorship from the general public are gratefully welcomed in support of this project.
All donations will help the gallery towards covering expenses for advertising, exhibition opening/ private view, and ideally 5 prizes. There is a donations box available in the Gallery at all times and particularly during this project. Cheques addressed to Gallery4allarts, please.(email : donations43@gallery4llarts.com)
10% of our sales will go to the “Samaritan’s Purse” towards Operation Christmas Child initiate. (http://www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk/)
Gallery4allarts is situated at The Old Police Station, in the heart of Lark Lane, between Sefton Park and Aighburth. It has opened its doors this year, since 26 September.
Gallery4allarts has been initiated since 2006 as an online gallery by Romanian artist Nicole Bartos and has gained its reputation through its Independents’ Liverpool Art Biennial international projects at various venues in Liverpool.
Events/Important dates for your diary:
Exhibition opening day and main Awards Ceremony: Friday 11th December 2009, 2pm- 8.30pm
Award Ceremony (11 Dec.) starts 6.30pm
Public voting period starts : Friday 11th Dec 2pm;
Public voting period closes : Friday 18th Dec 5pm
Open Day and Public Award Ceremony: Friday 18th December 2009, 5pm-8.30pm
Award Ceremony (18 Dec.) starts 6.30pm
Exhibition closes : 30th January 2010
Re : Prizes/Awards
There will be ideally 5 prize winners selected (prizes of symbolic awards, counting more as Christmas presents)
The awards:
1. Jury’s prize – ‘Best artist’
2. Curator’s prize – Best miniature abstract painting
3. Public’s choice / prize – ‘Best miniature artwork’
4. Senior prize – (for the eldest participant)
5. Junior prize – ( for the youngest participant)
All prizes except the ‘Public’s choice’ award will be announced on the opening day. ‘Public’s choice’ award will be announced a week later. Please, (members of the public) join us to the opening event to vote for the exhibiting artists. (You can name 1 -3 works or artists.)
Re : Submissions:
Submissions are welcome from all North West based artists, all adults who practice some arts, as well as from children. All 2D medium and styles are welcome.
We are inviting as many participants as possible, to achieve a number of over 200 artworks to be shown.
If you are interested in participating to this show please, read carefully all submission criteria’ details and updates provided on :
the gallery website : http://www.gallery4allarts.com/, under exhibitions,
call for entries : http://www.gallery4allarts.com/call%204%20entries%202008.htm, before submitting any work.
(email : submissions_43@gallery4allarts.com)
Many thanks for your attention and interest.
Contact and address:
80 Lark Lane,
The Old Police Station,
Liverpool, L17 8UU,
Website : http://www.gallery4allarts.com/
E-mail : nbartos@gmail.com (as subject please, mention: ‘miniature show’)
Telephone : 07756912911
Republish by : Norbertus Citra Irawan,SP (SOLO-YOGYA-JAKARTA-BALI-PAPUA)
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