Sunday, November 29, 2009

Year of the Air Force Family T-shirt Design Competition Under Way

Year of the Air Force Family T-shirt Design Competition Under Way
Deadline : Dec. 20,2009

The Air Force Services Agency is promoting a T-shirt design competition on the recently launched, now through Dec. 20,2009 as part of the Year of the Air Force Family.

"The site will feature programs and competitions that will roll out through the year. We are focusing on the 'play' part of 'The Air Force is a great place to live, work, and play' campaign," said Ms. Debbie Karnes, Air Force Services Agency spokeswoman. "There's something for everyone: YoAFF T-shirt design, short story, video short, original song, and photography competition. The site will also offer a place for visitors to provide quips and quotes on how the Air Force has enriched their lives."

One winner in each category (youth and adult) will be selected to win an Apple Mac Book laptop and Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium software valued at about $2,000. The winner in the adult category may also have the opportunity to have their entry design featured on a T-shirt that will be sold in AAFES stores.

Earlier this year, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz and Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley designated July 2009 to July 2010 as the Year of the Air Force Family, a year-long focus on Air Force programs highlighting the importance of, and commitment to, the entire Air Force family: all Airmen, married and single; spouses; children; Air Force civilians; extended families; and retirees.

"Taking care of families is a solemn promise we make to each Airman and family member," said Secretary Donley. "Sense of community is a cultural trademark of the Air Force, and we will seek ways to nurture it as part of the larger 'Year of the Air Force Family' effort."

This is an opportunity for Airmen to express through their T-shirt design, what living the Air Force life means to them, their family, and their friends.

To find details on the contest and to enter, Airmen and eligible patrons of Air Force MWR programs can log on to

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