Friday, November 27, 2009

Photography Competition : “The Inquirer Award 2009” competition to journalists

Deadline : 17 Dec 2009

“The Inquirer Award 2009” now includes a separate category for photojournalism in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan.

The deadline for journalists to submit their entries for the competition is 17 December 2009.

The Award competition is part of a media initiative managed by The Thomson Foundation – a non-profit organisation, based in Cardiff Wales, that provides practical training to journalists, technicians and production staff in television, radio and the press. The project is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London.

For more information about the competition and the rules you can go to

Competition Rules

1. Entrant must be a professional photojournalist or student of photography and a national of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine or Iraq.
2. Entrant may be working for a newspaper, magazine, news agency or as a freelancer (including students of photography) based in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine or Iraq. The competition is NOT open to foreign nationals working in these countries.
3. The theme of the competition is “FOOD” and all issues related to it. Subjects within this theme could be: malnutrition; farming; café society; obesity; life in the kitchen of a top hotel or restaurants; food for weddings; Ramadan and Eid; food manufacturing; street vendors; organizations for weight watchers; bakeries; chocolate; or any other food topic.
4. Each entrant may submit up to six photographs, on the condition that all the photos are of the same subject and taken in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine or Iraq.
5. Photographs entered for the competition must have been taken during the year 2009. Photos taken before January 2009 are not eligible to enter the competition.
6. Entries must be submitted on a CD at a suitable resolution for enlargement to be used in an exhibition.
7. Each photograph submitted must be captioned in English and Arabic.
8. All photographs submitted to the competition will be considered for an exhibition that will take place during the Awards ceremony, and will also tour the participating countries.
9. Entrants must not be related to any staff member of the British Embassy or the Thomson Foundation.
10. The work presented must not be the subject of any legal action.
11. The judging panel’s decision will be final.

As well as receiving the prestigious Inquirer Award 2009 the first prize winner will enjoy an all-expense paid study tour for one week in the UK.


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12 December
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