Deadline : May 2, 2010. win $2,010 (US) cash and else
The 2009 Windland Smith Rice International Awards winners have been announced on the blog. The Smithsonian Exhibition of category Winners and selected Highly Honored images opens November 12 and runs through May 2, 2010. The Fall 2009 Special Collectors Edition with the complete collection of award-winners is due out soon! Subscribe, renew, or get a gift! Get the winners from all of our past competitions on our Back Issues page.
Ocean Views 2010 Awards
PRIZES : $2,010 (US) cash • 9-night dive trip to Papua New Guinea with Peter Hughes Diving© • 5-night dive trip at Marina Del Mar, Key Largo, Florida with Ocean Divers© • Scubapro© regulator • Henderson Aquatics© his and hers H2 titanium wetsuits • Backscatter© gift certificate • Ikelite© DS160 digital strobe and charger • DAN© Dive Safety Kit.
DOWNLOAD Entry Guidelines PDF
Nature’s Best Photography and Divers Alert Network (DAN) are proud to announce a new alliance to host the third annual Ocean Views Photography Awards, open to all levels of photographers from around the world. Share your passion for the ocean to help inspire a global audience to learn about and protect this fragile realm. A selection of winning images will appear in upcoming editions of Nature’s Best Photography and Alert Divers magazines, and will be featured as Internet presentations on Pixcetera, MSNBC, Discovery Network International, and other online galleries. Celebrate the ocean through the art of photography.
Send as many as 20 of your very best images in these topics for an entry fee of $25 (US):
• Ocean weather: waves, storms, rain, fog, lightning
• Beaches, shores, estuaries, tide zones, tide pools
• Tropical and temperate reef ecosystems
• Shallow-shore and deep-water environments
• All living things that depend upon the oceans:
fish, mammals, birds, plants, etc., in or near the water
• Natural feeding, breeding, and other behavior
• Geologic processes or features on seashores or in the ocean
• People enjoying the ocean environment
• Submersibles and mini-subs
• Sunken vessels
• SCUBA, hard hat, and free diving, snorkeling
Important: All images must be taken in the wild of natural settings and behaviors.
No captive animals will be considered and no entrapment of any kind is permissible.
Before you begin, prepare your photos for preliminary judging
and have caption information ready (see below):
Save your images as Low Resolution Jpeg files no larger than 500 KB in size:
• IMAGE DOCUMENT SIZE: Approximately 6” on the longest side at 72 pixels per inch (ppi).
• COLORSPACE: RGB (ProPhoto or LAB color space is preferred, but Adobe RGB 1998 and sRGB
are acceptable.)
• IMAGE MODE: 16-bit is preferred, but 8-bit is acceptable.
• DIGITAL IMAGE FILE NAMES: Identify each electronic image file with your First and Last name.
Use an underscore to separate the brief species name and location. Make sure the file name ends
in “.jpg.” (Example: DavyJones_Orca_PugetSound.jpg)
The story behind the shot.
We ask you for this information on the online form:
• TITLE: Common name of subject or species (include Latin name, if known).
• LOCATION: Formal name of the location the image was taken, including state or province, country,
and/or the body of water.
• CAPTION: This can be a brief description for online uploads. If you are chosen to be published,
we will need about 100 words describing the natural history of your subject; the behavior displayed; the
challenge of getting the shot and how it was resolved; the unique gear, preparation, or photographic
set-up used; perhaps an humorous anecdote about getting the shot; and environmental threats to the
species or habitat. For underwater shots, include the approximate depth the image was taken.
• CAMERA body, manufacturer, and model.
• LENS manufacturer (for zoom lens, include focal length used); Lens accessories (filters, tele-converters,
extension tubes).
• APERTURE setting and Shutter speed.
• IF FILM Original: manufacturer and film type, ISO.
• IF DIGITAL: ISO setting.
• FLASH: manufacturer and model, settings such as ‘full’, ‘fill’; Accessories (remote triggers, extenders):
manufacturer, model.
• TRIPOD (or car window mounts, bean bags, etc.): manufacturer and model; HEAD: manufacturer
and model.
• OTHER equipment: underwater camera housing, and strobes: manufacturer and model for each,
and relevant camera accessories with manufacturer and model.
TO ENTER BY MAIL: Print out the Entry Form and follow the rules on the pdf.
DOWNLOAD Guidelines and Entry Form PDF
Prepare images from film originals: All film entries must be scanned per specifications for low-res images listed below and sent on a CD or DVD, and clearly marked as “Film Scans.” If one or more film images are selected for publication, the original transparency must be available upon request for drum scanning and pre-press. Negative images must be submitted in positive format. Prints NOT accepted.
MAIL BOTH low resolution and high resolution digital images.
For preliminary judging, save your images as Low Resolution Jpegs no larger than 500 KB in size.
• IMAGE DOCUMENT SIZE: 72 pixels per inch (ppi). Approx 6” on the longest side.
• COLORSPACE: RGB (ProPhoto or LAB color space is preferred but Adobe RGB 1998 and sRGB
are acceptable.
• IMAGE MODE: 16-bit provides more color variations, but 8-bit is also acceptable.
• DIGITAL IMAGE FILE NAMES: Identify each electronic image file with your First and Last name.
Use an underscore to separate the species name and location. Make sure the file name ends in “.jpg.”
(Example: DavyJones_Orca_PugetSound.jpg)
• Burn all Low Res images to a single CD or DVD labeled with your First and Last name, and “Low-Res
Images” on each CD or DVD. If the images are from film originals, clearly write “Film Scan.”
For final judging and possible publishing: Save your images as High Resolution RGB 16-bit Tiffs.
• IMAGE DOCUMENT SIZE: 400 pixels per inch (ppi) at approx 12” high or up to 8000 pixels on the longest
side (or the largest file size available) NO compression and unsharpened.
• Also include the original RAW image file, if available.
• DIGITAL IMAGE FILE NAMES: Identify each electronic image file with your First and Last name.
Use an underscore to separate the species name and location. Make sure the file name ends in “.tif.”
(Example: DavyJones_Orca_PugetSound.tif)
• Burn all High Res images to CDs or DVDs labeled with your First and Last name and “High-Res Images”
on each disc.
QUESTIONS? Call 703-467-9783 or e-mail
*Nature’s Best Publishing LLC is not responsible for damage or loss incurred during shipment to or from our offices.
**Entrants must not infringe on the rights of any other photographer, landowner or other person. Photographs involving willful harassment of wildlife, destruction of habitat or property are unacceptable.
***Failure to comply with contest guidelines will lead to disqualification. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED.
Copyright: Photographers enter Nature’s Best Photography Ocean Views Awards competition of their own free will. As a condition of having a photograph selected as a winning image, photographers agree to a non-exclusive transfer of worldwide rights allowing Nature’s Best Publishing, LLC (NBP) the following uses including, but not limited to: publishing the image(s) in upcoming issues of Nature’s Best Photography magazine; hanging the image(s) in public exhibitions; and displaying the image(s) on the NBP and other websites; and using the image(s) to promote Nature’s Best Photography competitions. ‘Non-exclusive’ allows the photographer to market the image as they choose. NBP does not restrict future sales of the image, rather NBP enhances opportunities to market the photograph as a ‘Winner’ in a very prestigious competition. Many photographers have found their sales to increase based in part on their participation in NBP award competitions.
Official Site ... here
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