On April 15, 1947, Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball during his debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers. As a way of celebrating the momentous and historic event, and keeping the memory of Robinson alive, the Tigers host an annual art, essay and poetry contest in his honor.
Contest winners will receive four complimentary tickets as well as being honored during a special on-field, pregame ceremony held at Comerica Park on Friday, April 22, 2011 before the Tigers host the Chicago White Sox.
Contest Criteria :
ART : Create an artistic expression that captures the spirit of Jackie Robinson when he broke the color barrier. Consider the impact his success had on the community and the perception of minorities in sports. Artwork can be a painting, drawing, or rendering, no larger than 22"x28."
ESSAY : Write an essay that chronicles the personal struggles of Jackie Robinson. Discuss the characteristics you feel were necessary in order for him to improve the well-being of others and the life lessons that can be learned from Jackie Robinson's success. Essays should be typewritten, double-spaced and limited to one page.
POETRY : Write a poem that explores one-or-more of Jackie Robinson's nine values of success: courage, determination, teamwork, persistence, integrity, citizenship, justice, commitment and excellence. Poems should be typewritten, double-spaced and limited to one page.
To enter, contestants must submit an original piece of art, an essay or poem by 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 4, 2011. An official entry form must accompany each submission. Items may be mailed or delivered to:
Detroit Tigers, Inc.
Attn: Sam Abrams
Manager of Player Relations, Youth and Sports Programs
2100 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
For more information, including the official entry form, visit tigers.com/education or call Sam Abrams at 313-471-2363.
Deadline : Friday, March 4, 2011
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