The theme is open so your story really can be on any subject or in any style. Be as creative and as imaginative with your entry as you like.
Word count is a maximum 2000.
Submissions must be original and previously unpublished.
Send your submission within the body of the email to and mark the subject line Open Fiction Competition
If you are a Creative Competitor Premier 1 subscriber and can enter any or all of our competitions for free, then please remember to also add your membership number to the subject line.
If you are in the UK and wish to submit your entry by post and pay by cheque, check out the details here
As our writing competitions are for money, writers must be 18 and over to win a cash prize.
Please note that it can take some time for our writing competitions to be judged and the winners announced. The length of time is dependant on the number of submissions received. We take the judging process very seriously and ensure that the best submission wins. This means that each submission is read and re-read to build up a high quality short list and then the process begins again.
Entry to this or any of our competitions implies acceptance to our rules.
- 1st Prize : £500.00
- 2nd Prize : £250.00
- 3rd Prize : £100.00
- 4th Prize : £75.00
- 5th Prize : £50.00
- 6th Prize : Personal e-Coaching Sesssion
- 7th Prize : 3 Months Premier 1 Membership
Closing Date : 5th June 2011
Entry Fee : £5.00
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