Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sue Boynton Poetry Contest (Deadline April 2011)

Watch this page for updates on the 2011 Sue C. Boynton Poetry Contest.

  1. Submissions open : Tuesday, March 1, 2011
  2. Submission deadline : 5 :00pm, Friday, April 1, 2011 (no exceptions)
  3. Winners notified by phone : by Wednesday, April 20, 2011
  4. Awards ceremony : Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The FAQs page may answer additional questions.

Can’t access a PDF? The following bulleted list has the same information.

  1. Contestant must be a resident of Whatcom County, Washington.
  2. Contestant may submit no more than one poem, which must be previously unpublished.
  3. Poems are limited to 27 lines with no more than 55 characters (letters, spaces, punctuation) per line. Title, blank line below title and blank lines between stanzas are included in the line count.
  4. No artwork please. Let the poem’s words stand on their own merit : no artwork (including clip art), no special fonts and no unusual paper or colors, please.
  5. Poems may be on any topic, in any form. Judges change each year and are published poets.
  6. Submit three (3) copies of your poem. Place your name, postal address, phone number and e-mail address in the upper right-hand corner of one copy only. Students in K-12 should provide their own name, plus their parent’s name, postal address, phone number and e-mail and also note the name of their school, grade level and teacher’s name. The second and third copy of your poem (used for judging and display) must have no identifying information other than the poem’s title. Please DO NOT staple the copies together.
  7. Please keep a copy of your poem; poems cannot be returned.
  8. Mail entries to Poetry Contest, PO Box 1042, Bellingham, WA 98227, OR deliver to Mindport Exhibits, 210 W. Holly Street, Bellingham. We regret we are unable to accept e-mail submissions.
  9. Entries will be accepted beginning Tuesday, March 1, 2011 and must be delivered or dropped off by the deadline, 5 p.m. Friday, April 1, 2011. Late submissions are disqualified so please allow additional time if submission is mailed.
  10. Winning poets will be notified by phone by Wednesday, April 20, 2011. All participating poets who have included e-mail addresses will receive notification when the judging is complete.
  11. Winning poets will be invited to read their poem at a free public awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 11, 2011, at the Bellingham Cruise Terminal, 355 Harris Avenue in Fairhaven.
  12. The ten Walk Award poems will be displayed for one year on the Sue C. Boynton Poetry Walk outside the Bellingham Public Library. All poems winning Walk Awards and Merit Awards will be displayed for one year inside Whatcom Transportation Authority buses (two copies per poem).
  13. By submitting a poem to the Sue C. Boynton Poetry Contest, the poet (or parent/ guardian if poet is under age 18) agrees and grants permission for the poem, the poet’s name as author and/or the poet’s photograph to be displayed and/or reproduced for publication or fundraising purposes related to the Sue C. Boynton Poetry Contest.
  14. To receive important notices from the Contest, please add BoyntonPoetryContest AT to your e-mail contacts.

The Sue Boynton Poetry Contest encourages teachers (all grade levels, K thru college and beyond) to involve their students in writing and submitting poems to the contest. The guidelines are the same as above, with the following additions :
  1. Teachers may submit student poems together in a single envelope; all guidelines must be met. No staples, please!
  2. Please count (or assist student in counting) lines and characters in each student poem before submitting poem to Contest.
  3. Submit three (3) copies of each poem. In the upper right-hand corner of one copy only, students in K-12 should provide their own name, plus their parent’s name, postal address, phone number and e-mail and also note the name of their school, grade level and teacher’s name. The second and third copy of the poem (used for judging and display) must have no identifying information other than the poem’s title. Please see sample submission (PDF above) for guidance.

NOTE : the Contest will honor teacher/parental requests to exclude a child’s last name and/or photograph; please attach a note to the entry detailing the request.


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Poem - Poetry
Copyright 2011 COMPETITION CONTEST AWARD FESTIVAL GAMES 2011 | Use For Forum Lowongan Kerja 2011 | Sponsored by INDOJOB.CO.BE
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