Poems are being accepted for the 2011 Foley Poetry Award. Each entrant is asked to submit only one typed, unpublished poem of 30 lines or fewer that is not under consideration elsewhere.
Include contact information on the same page as the poem. Poems will not be returned. Please do not submit poems by e-mail or fax. Submissions must be postmarked between Jan. 1 and March 31.
Poems received outside the designated period will be treated as regular poetry submissions, and are not eligible for the prize. The winning poem will be published in the June 6-13 issue of America. Three runner-up poems will be published in subsequent issues.
Cash prize : $1,000.
Send poems to : Foley Poetry Contest / America, 106 West 56th Street, New York, NY 10019.
Deadline : March 31, 2011
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