Deadline : September 26
Short Story, Poetry, NonFiction Contest;
Prizes $100, $50, $25 Per Category
Theme- The Road Less Traveled
***Your Short Story, Poem or Non-Fiction must touch on the theme, The Road Less Traveled in some way. Be creative; you are a writer.
The 2008 Inland Empire California Writers Club Short Story, Poetry and Non-Fiction Writing Contest is Open to All Writers
(Membership in the California Writers Club is not a requirement.)
Prizes ~ 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ~ $100, $50, $25 prizes will be awarded in each of the Short Story, Poetry and Non-Fiction Categories.
Word/line length ~ Short Story and Non-Fiction are not to exceed 2,500 words, Poetry is not to exceed 100 lines (including stanza breaks). Title is not to be included in the word or line count.
Entry Format ~ All entries must be previously unpublished. Please type entry using black 12 point Times New Roman Font (or any other standard font). Short Story and Non-Fiction must be double spaced, Poetry may be single spaced. All entries must be on one side only of white 8 ½ X 11 paper. Final copies only; be sure to check all spelling and grammar. Please put NO OTHER identification on your manuscript.
On a COVER PAGE type your name, address, phone number, email, category entered, entry title, and word count (for Short Story and Non-Fiction) or line count (for Poetry). Include separ
ate cover page for each entry.
Fees ~ Enclose one check made payable to Inland Empire CWC… $10 for each Short Story, Non-Fiction piece or Poem. You may enter as many categories, as many entries as you wish.
Deadline ~ All entries must be postmarked no later than September 26, 2008.
Winners ~ Winners will be announced at the November 22, 2008 Inland Empire CWC meeting 10:15 a. m. at the Borders Bookstore in Montclair, CA. (Winners will be notified by November 15, 2008 and asked to email their winning entry for publication purposes. Winners do not have to attend the November meeting to receive their awards.) All winning entries will be published in Inland Empire CWC’s journal Fresh Ink, December 2008 issue that will be available for downloading approximately December 10, 2008 from the IECWC
website : Angelfire2.
Authors retain all rights.
Submit to ~ Harold Ramage
IECWC Writing Contest
2378 8th Street
La Verne, CA 91750
website : Source
Site Sponsored :
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