1. The contest is open to 7th,8th, and 9th graders attending a Language Arts class.
2. Write a newspaper article (include headline & byline) about: Interesting people, interesting things in your area, events, community activities, your school's traditions or neighborhood news.
3. Length: 500 words maximum
4. Stories should be written on a computer, typewriter or be printed out legibly so they can be easily read.
5. On a cover sheet type your name, teacher's name, class period, and school. Also, provide a parent's or guardian's telephone number and email address.
6. Articles will be judged by Deseret News reporters/Editors based on: Your overall story, grammar, spelling and a clear student voice (no parental help allowed).
7. Papers must be turned in to your Language Arts teacher who will then submit all class entries to the Deseret News.
8. Winners will be notified by telephone or email within a month.
9. First place winners for each grade will receive an 8 Gig iPod Nano with video from RC Willey and will have their articles published on deseretnews.com in the Deseret News newspaper with a photo of the writer. Second place winners will receive a video game from RC Willey and will have their articles published in the newspaper and Web site. Third place winners will receive a movie from RC Willey and will have their articles published in the newspaper and Web site.
Notes for the teacher
1. The contest officially begins on Wednesday, January 6 and will end Wednesday, January 27. The deadline for submission to Jennifer is Friday, January 29, 2010
2. Submissions must be sent to the Canyons Administration Building, 9150 S. 500 West, for pickup by the Deseret News by Friday, January 29.
3. For further information call Nelda at 801-575-7455 or email nmcallister@desnews.com
Source : http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705356639/Best-City-Ever-writing-contest-rules.html
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