Deadline : January 4th, 2010
1. This contest is open to juris doctorate candidates currently enrolled at an ABA accredited law school. LLM candidates are not eligible.
2. Entrants must be a currently enrolled student as of January 1, 2010.
3. Co-authorship of a manuscript is not permitted in the contest.
4. Each author may submit only one entry.
5. Previous winners and/or finalists are ineligible.
6. Authors must research and identify a compelling legal issue confronting the music industry, and propose a solution.
7. Completed manuscripts and accompanying documents (to be defined below) must be submitted online at on or before January 4, 2010 at 11am PST (2pm EST). Late manuscripts will not be considered. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted.
8. Manuscripts shall be no longer than 3,000 words not including endnotes/footnotes. Entrants must use The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, for citation style. Current contact information including address, phone number and e¬mail address should accompany the manuscript.
9. Entrants' names shall not appear on the manuscript, but shall appear on a separate title page to be removed when a number is assigned to the entry. The title page should also contain a one or two sentence synopsis of the article.
10. Manuscripts will be judged on: (1) clarity of expression (organization, clarity of presentation, spelling, grammar), (2) originality of thought (uniqueness of topic), (3) depth of analysis, (4) relevance to industry, and (5) essay requirements (whether the essay conforms to the contest rules).
11. Each manuscript submitted shall be accompanied by a letter from the author in which he or she certifies that the article submitted has not had prior publication, that it is original work prepared by the author alone for this contest, and that the author transfers ownership to the GRAMMY Foundation. If the submitted article is not selected as a finalist, The GRAMMY Foundation automatically transfers ownership back to the author, and he/she is able to pursue other publication.
12. All entries must be submitted to in Microsoft Word format.
13. All documents must be saved with the following naming convention:
“lastname.firstname_ELI2010submission” example: smith.john_ELI2010submission
14. All manuscripts, transfer of ownership documents, and contact information must be merged into one Microsoft Word document.
15. Awards will be distributed as follows: $5,000 for first place and $1,500 for each of four runners-¬up. All five finalists receive one GRAMMY Awards ticket, hotel accommodations, round trip airfare, one ticket to the Entertainment Law Initiative Luncheon, one ticket to MusiCares® Person of the Year dinner, and an invitation to the GRAMMY Nominee Reception.
The GRAMMY Foundation and ELI would like to thank for their valued support of this year’s legal writing contest.
Completed manuscripts and accompanying documents (to be defined below) must be submitted online at on or before January 4, 2010 at 11am PST (2pm EST). Late manuscripts will not be considered. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted. Winners will be announced on or before January 22, 2010.
One Microsoft Word Document including:
- Completed Manuscript
- Complete contact info including phone, email, and mailing address
- Transfer of ownership letter
- Word Doc naming convention “lastname.firstname_ELI2010submission”
- All of these documents must be submitted to on or before January 4, 2010 at 11am PST (2pm EST)
Source :
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