Deadline : Thursday, 31st December 2009
LSLAW COLLEGE established by the Indian Law Society in the year 1924 is one of the premier institutes in India, engaged in legal studies. It gives us great pleasure to announce ILS Law College Annual National Legal Research Paper Competition 2009-10 in the memory of Mrs. Sushila Sharma. The Competition should help the students of law to develop their research abilities and improve their writing skills. Details of the Competition are as under:
1) Topics:
* Feminism and Federalism
* Domicile as a basis for Quota in Educational Institutions: Constitutional Issues
* Constitutional Status of Political Parties
* The Constitution in the Light of Coalition Government
2) Conditions:
* All students enrolled in the Five Year or Three Year LL.B. course are eligible to participate;
* Each participating College can send maximum two entries;
* Each participating student is allowed to send only one Research Paper;
* Joint or group entries of students are not allowed;
* Research Paper must be original and not published anywhere.
3) Registration and last date for submission:
Registration fee of Rs. 100/- should be sent along with each research paper. The fee shall be paid by a demand draft drawn in the name of "The Principal, ILSLawCollege, Pune" payable at Pune. Last date for receiving entries In ILS LAW COLLEGE is Thursday, 31st December 2009. Organizers will not be responsible for postal or other delay.
4) Prizes:
1st Prize Rs. 10,000/-
2nd Prize Rs. 8,000/-
Consolation prizes may be awarded. All participating student will be issued Certificate of Participation.
5) Submission Procedure:
* Research paper must be in English only.
* Research paper must be typed on one side, in Arial font, font size 12, double-spaced, on A-4 size paper. There shall be margin of one inch on each side. Standard method of citation should be followed.
* Three hard copies of the research paper, along with a soft copy on CD are required to be sent. Soft copy shall also be e-mailed to
* Paper should not be of less than 6,000 words or more than 8,000 words. Each copy also must be accompanied with following information on the letterhead of the college with the signature of the Principal/ authorized person of the college# Name and address of the institution;
1. Full name of the student and his class;
2. Topic of the Research Paper;
3. Personal telephone number and personal e-mail id of the participant.
4. It shall also be accompanied with statement from the student that Research Paper is original and is not published anywhere.
6) Criteria for Evaluation:
A Originality of thought and clarity of the expression (30)
B Issues covered in the essay, their importance and comprehensiveness and their relevance to the topic (25)
C Quality of analysis and of research work (25)
D Style of the legal writing, use of the authorities and reference work (20)
E Language (10)
TOTAL = 100
Based upon above evaluation students may be invited to present their papers for final selection at ILSLAWCOLLEGE, PUNE.
7) Panel of Judges:
The panel of legal experts, academicians, judges and practicing lawyers, will evaluate the papers. Decision of the organizers shall be final on all aspects of this competition, including matters not mentioned above.
8) Publication Rights:
Publication rights in respect of all entries will be with the ILSLAWCOLLEGE. Top two Research Papers will be published in the ILSLAWCOLLEGE Law Journal.
9) Address for Correspondence:
ILSLawCollege National Research Paper Competition 2009.
Chiplunkar Road (Law College Road),
Pune - 411 004.
Telephone : 020-2565 6775
Fax : 020-2565 8665
Website :
E-mail :
Faculty Co-ordinator : Mrs. Shobhana Patil (93702 86075)
Student Co-ordinators : 1. M.S. Seshadri (9960896415)
2. N. Hamsaanandini (9960229150)
Source :
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