Friday, January 8, 2010

Portraits of Literacy Photo Contest

Deadline : 12th February 2010 - It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Join in the FLC’s first annual Portraits of Literacy contest and capture the importance of literacy in everyday lives through photography.

The photos entered will be used to promote literacy throughout Florida. Submissions will be posted online and everyone will be encouraged to vote for their favorites. Select photos will also be featured at the 26th Annual Florida Literacy Conference.


The grand prize will be a Pentax Optio 60 Digital Camera, a $50 gift certificate, the book Douglas Kirkland’s Light Years: Three Decades Photographing Among the Stars, award recognition, and bragging rights.

How to Enter the 2010 Florida Literacy Coalition Photo Contest

Submitting Photographs

There are two ways to submit photographs.

    1. Complete the on-line Photo Entry and Release Form and submit digital photos at

    2. Submit photographs by mail on a CD or DVD along with completed Photo Entry and Release Form. Please do not send prints. Forms can be faxed to 407-246-7104.

    Mail Entries to:
    Florida Literacy Coalition
    Portraits of Literacy
    250 N Orange Ave, Suite 1110
    Orlando, FL 32801


Submissions will be accepted December 15, 2009 through February 12, 2010. Contestants will be sent an e-mail confirming submission.

Photo Contest Rules

    1. Contestants must be at least 18 years old or have parental authorization. A hard copy Photo Entry and Release Form, including guardian signature, must be submitted by those under 18, photos can be emailed to Forms may be submitted via mail or fax. (See Submitting Photos option 2 for address and number.)

    2. Minor digital enhancements for cropping, red-eye removal, filters and corrective functions are permitted, but images that have been judged to be altered in any significant manner will be disqualified. Contestants are not permitted to place borders, frames or backgrounds around their images or to place watermarks, dates, signatures or copyright images onto photos.

    3. Contestants may submit up to four photos.

    4. Rules are subject to change without notice but will be posted on

Photo Format

    1. File size should be 1.2 up to 10 MB. (Larger images may be resized; smaller ones cannot be enlarged and will not be used if deemed too small.) Formats that are accepted are .jpg, .gif., .bmp, .eps, .psd and .tif.


  1. Five photo finalists will be selected via an online poll on the FLC website and a panel of judges. These images will be displayed at the Florida Literacy Conference, May 5-7, 2010 where conference attendees will vote on the final selection.

Use of the Photos

  1. Entry materials will not be returned.

  2. The Florida Literacy Coalition reserves the right to crop registered photographs for display purposes, if necessary, and for other needs as required or as they see fit.

  3. In the event that ownership of any photograph submitted to the Florida Literacy Coalition is contested in any manner, Florida Literacy Coalition reserves the right to discontinue use of said photograph and disqualify the photograph from the contest.

  4. Entries that fail to comply with the Contest Rules will be disqualified.

  5. The Florida Literacy Coalition has rights to use and publish the photograph on its website, in publications, or on display for non-commercial purposes to promote literacy activities.
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