Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Seventh Annual Jeanne Lohmann Poetry Cotest 2010

The seventh annual Jeanne Lohmann Prize, a poetry contest open to Washington residents, postmark deadline is January 31, 2010. Three winners will each receive $200.

Rules on the next page.

The following rules must be followed:

1. Limit of one poem per author, up to 2 pages in length , double spaced.
2. Send two copies.
3. Poem must be original work submitted by author only
4. no previously published poems, poems already accepted for publication, self-published poems, or multiple submissions. This includes electronic (web) publications.
5. A poem’s exclusion will be determined by the judges.
6. Only the title must appear on the poem.
7. The poem will be disqualified immediately if name and address appear on poem.
8. Include a cover sheet containing the poem’s title, author’s name, full address, phone, fax (if available), and e-mail address if available.
9. If you wrote the poem “in the style of” or “after” another poet, please indicate that on the cover letter. Any plagiarism of another’s poem will automatically disqualify your entry.
10. “Lohmann Prize” should be indicated on both the outer envelope and the cover sheet.
11. Poems will not be returned.
12. Include either your e-mail address (preferably) or a self-addressed stamped postcard if you wish an acknowledgment of receipt of the poem.
13. Include either your e-mail address or a self-addressed stamped envelope if you wish to receive a list of winners.
14. Winners will be announced in April 2010. They will be invited and urged to read their work at the awards ceremony on June 16, 2010, in Olympia, Washington.
15. Please keep your calendar open for that date.
16. OPN has first/one time rights to publish winning poems in its newsletter and on its web site.
17. Rights revert back to poets.
18. There is no fee to enter this contest.
19. Send poems to: OPN, P.O. Box 1312, Olympia, WA 98501.

Source : http://seattle.readinglocal.com/archives/3110

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Poem - Poetry
01 January
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