The purpose of this competition is to highlight the importance of the freedom of
information concept in modern, democratic society; to enhance awareness by the
international community about legal issues concerning the growth and operation of
the freedom-of-information concept; and, to encourage contributors to the Open
Government Journal to take a proactive, informed approach to contemporary legal
issues by researching, writing and analyzing such issues.
Authors published in the Open Government Journal may discuss various aspects
related to the introduction and proliferation of the freedom-to-information concept
across the community of nations by focusing, for instance, on national legislation and policies, institutions, technology, social, governmental or political organization, human nature, psychology, history, philosophy or alternatively, by comparing the application of various legislative regimes to give life to the freedom-to-information concept.
Entrants Eligibility
All research papers submitted before June 30th, 2010 to be published in the Open
Government Journal are eligible for the prize.
The winning author will receive $500.00 CDN. The prize is not transferable or
exchangeable. Entries for the contest must be received by no later than June 30th,
Judging Panel
The judging panel will comprise three suitably experienced representatives appointed
by the Editor of the Open Government Journal. The judging panel's decision upon the
award and distribution of the prize is final. No correspondence will be entered into
regarding the judges' decision.
Competition Conditions
1. Articles must be a minimum of 2,500 words, excluding footnotes.
2. Articles must be the original work of the Author. If used, references must be
provided, listing information sources used in the article. Plagiarism will not be
3. Each article will be judged based on the following weighted factors:
a. 85%. Quality of Work, Each article will be judged upon their submitted
critical or scholarly essay and upon their demonstrated academic
excellence in accordance with universally recognized scholastic standards.
b. 5%. Creativity,
c. 5%. Originality,
d. 5%. Practicality. The subject matter and the recommendations contained
in the article deemed to be of interest for the professional literature,
national governments or the media.
Source :
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