Thursday, January 7, 2010

Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space 3 (TOGS 3) competition

Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space 3 (TOGS 3) competition

Art Alliance Austin continues a successful partnership with AIA-Austin and Austin Foundation for Architecture to solicit ideas for the Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space 3 (TOGS 3) competition in 2010.

Objective - The third annual Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space Ideas Competition (TOGS 3) enhances the global dialogue between art and architecture while offering emerging professionals in the fields of architecture and design the opportunity to garner international attention.

Purpose - This Ideas Competition generates innovative proposals for a temporary outdoor structure that will function simultaneously as an exhibition space and as an architectural exhibition.

Mission - TOGS™ challenges the visual and conceptual boundaries of the outdoor gallery space, transforming the open-air art fair experience into one that showcases the synergy between art and architecture and brings both to the public realm.

Requirements - More Info

Requirements and deadlines for the 2010 competition have now been posted. Use link to above to read online.

Register Online - More Info

You must have registered for the 2010 TOGS competition online. The registration fee is $40. The registration deadline is March 26, 2010 at midnight Central. Art Alliance Austin accepts Visa, Mastercard and American Express.


2010 jury is still in formation. Past competition jurors include Goil Amornvivat, co-founder of Tug Studio and a designer on TLC's Trading Spaces; Deborah Berke, FAIA, Professor of Architecture at Yale University and founder of Deborah Berke & Partners Architects, LLP; Dana Friis-Hansen, Executive Director of the Austin Museum of Art; and Louise Harpman, Assoc. AIA, Professor of Architecture, the University of Texas at Austin and co-founder of Specht Harpman.

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