Saturday, January 9, 2010

Office of Equity and Inclusion Award 2010

Office of Equity and Inclusion announces award deadlines - The University of Delaware Office of Equity and Inclusion announces spring deadlines for upcoming awards. Complete information and application forms for most of these awards are available at this Web page.

The Louis Lorenzo Redding Diversity Award recognizes UD individuals or units whose efforts have promoted, enhanced and implemented diversity programs or activities that have resulted in a significant change in the campus climate and/or composition within the University community. Examples include innovative recruitment and retention efforts, expanded educational opportunities for undergraduate students, and programs that celebrate and recognize the contributions of underrepresented groups. The award consists of a plaque and a $1,000 gift to the Morris Library in honor of the recipient. The recipient may help select educational materials for the library, in consultation with library staff members. Nomination forms can be obtained by calling the Office of Equity and Inclusion. The deadline for submission is Friday, Feb. 12.

The Special and Student Travel Award Program is intended to improve the position of women faculty and students at the University of Delaware by encouraging all faculty, professionals and women students to present scholarly papers and participate in panel discussions and other activities dealing with women's issues; by facilitating the career development of women faculty and professionals; and by supporting women students' participation in professional organizations. It is operated as a matching fund to assist academic departments and other administrative units in supporting travel for women faculty, students and for men participating in professional activities involving women's issues. The deadline for spring semester submission is March 12.

The Bessie Collins Award of $500 will be given to a matriculated woman who is over 22 years old, has a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0, demonstrates future promise, and who has overcome special difficulties in pursuing her goals. The Mae Carter Scholars Scholarship of $1,500 will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate woman student who has attended the University of Delaware for at least one year with a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0 and evidence of work to advance the status of women at the University. Preference will be given to returning adult women (a woman student who is over 22 and entering college for the first time or returning after a period of time not attending college). The deadline for these two awards is March 12.

The E. Arthur Trabant Award for Women's Equity is an award given to an individual, department, administrative unit, or committee that has made an exceptional contribution to equity for women at the University of Delaware. The Commission on the Status of Women defines “contribution” broadly to encourage as wide a range of nominations as possible, but examples might include developing exemplary programs or curricula, implementing innovative policies and procedures related to women's equity, and enhancing existing services to women. The deadline for nominations is March 26.

Call Becki Fogerty or Dana Brittingham in the Office of Equity and Inclusion (831-8063) if you have questions or need further information about any of the above awards.

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