The German singing group will start up again on January 25 from 3:30pm-4pm in Ballantine Hall 667 (conference room). The plan is to meet weekly and prepare a few songs for the Germanic Studies Department’s year-end reception. If you can carry a tune and enjoy German folk songs, please join us. Since our meeting room is fairly small (we have space for about 12 people), please “sign up” by emailing Nikole Langjahr at
2. Stammtisch – German Conversation Club
Please note that the first Stammtisch meeting this semester will take place on January 18 at 6:30pm at Bear’s Place. Join us for conversation in German – all levels are welcome! Look for us on one of the long tables in front. Email Nikole Langjahr at for more information.
3. Italian Language Proficiency Reading Exam
We would like to inform you that the Italian Language Proficiency reading exam has been scheduled this semester for Friday, February 12, 2010, from 10am-12pm, in Ballantine Hall Rm. 606.
In order to register for the exam, please email me the following information:
- Name
- Department
- Student ID #
If the time of day is completely unavailable to you due to teaching or class conflicts please inform me as soon as possible. The exam entails the translation from Italian into English of one or two articles from a current newspaper, journal, or reference source.
Please note that Reference materials (Dictionaries, Smart Phones, etc) are NOT allowed at the exam.
You are welcome to stop by the department and ask to check out the texts used in previous years for the purpose of photocopying. These previous exams are available from the Graduate Secretary of the French and Italian Department. Please contact by email: or phone 855-1088.
4. EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Summer School Program
The EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy – a think-tank that undertakes program, project, publishing and training activities related to the European integration process – organizes the 8th year of summer school program for university students in 2010.
From July 10 – 20, 2010 the summer school under the title “Central Europe in the EU – After the Lisbon Treaty” will take place in Prague. You can find further details on our homepage or you can see the promotion leaflet at
5. Call for Papers – Paul Lucas Conference in History
The Indiana University History Graduate Student Association has extended the deadline for abstract submissions for the 2010 Paul Lucas Conference in Cultural History to Friday, January 15th. This year’s conference, entitled “People and Preoccupations: Intersections of Identity, Tradition and Resistance,” will take place Friday and Saturday, March 5th and 6th, 2010. The conference seeks to provide a forum for graduate students to exchange ideas across geographical and chronological boundaries. We encourage a broad range of submissions from graduate students in both history and related disciplines. Please see the attached Call for Papers for more information.
If you have any questions, contact Heather Roberts at
The Paul Lucas Conference in History at Indiana University presents
People and Preoccupations : Intersections of Identity, Tradition and Resistance
Hosted by IU History Graduate Student Association
Friday and Saturday, March 5 and 6, 2010
The History Graduate Student Association at Indiana University invites paper submissions from graduate students for its 2010 conference entitled People and Preoccupations: Intersections of Identity, Tradition and Resistance.
This year’s conference seeks to utilize a variety of sources and perspectives to explore the interrelationship of people and occupations, broadly construed as both historical and conceptual, and the wide-ranging intersections of identity, tradition and resistance that encompass this relationship. The conference aims to highlight intersections of both historical and interdisciplinary value and to engage with multifaceted themes that are particularly relevant to numerous contemporary fields of historical inquiry, both inside and outside the academy. Our hope is to engage with historical topics that not only cross disciplinary boundaries, but that reach within and beyond the social and academic borders that influence our understandings of self and society.
We welcome submissions from various disciplines, time periods, and geographic focus. The conference is intentionally broad and invites multiple interpretations of complex issues such as the construction of individual and mass identity, resistance, material culture, colonialism, anxiety, community, tradition, professions and employment as well as shifting ideas of power, agency and meaning. In addition to graduate student panels, the conference will also include an undergraduate panel and a key note speech incorporating the conference theme.
Please submit the items and information below no later than Friday, January 15th. The HGSA Conference Committee will evaluate abstracts and inform participants by January 22, 2010 of their acceptance and panel assignment. Full papers are expected by February 19th, 2010. For visiting graduate students, we will organize accommodations with IU graduate students participating in the conference. The conference is free to IU graduate students in any field. Non‐IU students must submit a registration fee of $30.
Please submit the following information via e‐mail as an attachment to :
1. Paper abstract and title (no more than 250 words)
2. Institutional affiliation and title/position
3. Contact information : name, e‐mail address, postal address, telephone/fax numbers
6. University of Bergen, Norway – Ph.D. Fellowship in Administration and Organization Theory
Faculty of Social Sciences
At the Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen, a 4 year university fellowship position is vacant. Total scholarship period is 4 years, 25% of which shall be dedicated to mandatory tasks at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory.
The proposed PhD project is expected to be related to the research field of one of the research groups at the department:
- Democracy, Organization and Political Regimes
- Europeanization and Democracy
- Globalization and Development
- Knowledge, Politics and Organizations
- Politics, Governance and Innovation
- Political Organization and Multilevel Governance
Applicants must hold a master’s degree in administration and organization theory or equivalent education in public administration/political science. The master degree must be completed by the application deadline.
Additional information about the position is obtainable from Head of the Department, Professor Harald Sætren, e-mail :, phone: +47 55 58 21 68, or Head of Administration Henrik Tøndel, e-mail:, phone + 47 55 58 20 49.
A brief research proposal (5-8) pages is required together with the application. The research proposal must present the topic, the research problem(s) and choice of theory and methods. The proposal should also include a plan for the development of the different parts of the project. The fellow must apply for admission to the PhD-programme based on the research proposal upon being hired.
Before writing the research proposal, applicants should consult and make themselves familiar with the Department’s research profile (see
Appointed research fellows will consequently be admitted to the doctoral education programme at the faculty. Further information about the programme, and guidelines for applicants, are available on the webpage Questions about the programme may be directed to Counsellor Eva Svensson, e-mail:, phone +47 55 58 90 36.
The minimum requirement for grades is normally B on the Master’s dissertation and the Master’s in total. The applicant’s degree can be subject to approval by the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Time used in earlier recruitment positions will be deducted from the applicants’ total scholarship period.
The teaching language will normally be Norwegian.
Salaries start at level 45 (code 1017) on the government salary scale (corresponding to NOK 355.600, – per year), following ordinary meriting regulations (Wage levels 45/51).
State employment shall to the highest possible degree reflect the diversity of the population at large. We have therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds are achieved. Persons of minority backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Information about the applicant may be made public even though the applicant has requested not to be named in the list of applicants. The applicant will be notified if his/her request is not respected.
The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to scientific positions.
The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.
Application and CV has to be sent electronically by “Apply for this job” within February 15, 2010.
In addition the applicants have to submit:
• Project description (4 copies)
• Copies of diplomas and references (4 copies)
• Scientific publications and a list of these (3 copies)
The documents have to be sent as ordinary post, sorted in 4 folders, to the University of Bergen, The Faculty of Social Sciences, P.O Box 7802, N-5020 Bergen, Norway.
The application has to be marked with: Reference: 9/15201
The closing date is February 15, 2010
Applications sent by email will not be evaluated.
7. “Contact: The Dynamics of Power & Culture” Conference
Contact: The Dynamics of Power & Culture
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
April 2-3, 2010
We are happy to announce the 2009-2010 collaborative conference between The Ohio State University Folklore Student Association and the Folklore & Ethnomusicology Student Associations at Indiana University. This conference aims to create a space for graduate and undergraduate students to share their research in folklore, ethnomusicology, cultural studies, material culture, performance studies, and
related disciplines connected to the study of academic and vernacular interpretation of everyday life.
This year’s conference seeks to explore the following questions:
(1) How should we or could we define, describe, and theorize contact?
(2) What happens when people, ideas, cultures and styles of expression make contact?
(3) In what ways can we explore the boundaries of these categories?
(4) What politics are inherent in and result from contact?
(5) In what ways can we explore the concept of contact in our respective fields?
*Abstracts exploring other themes will also be accepted.
We are seeking papers and posters that engage the following topics/themes as they relate to “Contact”:
Identity Tradition Narrative Culture
Space History Performance Power
Boundary/ies Memory Transmission Diversity
We also welcome submissions of papers and posters on other topics. The conference will have three opportunities for participation: paper presentations, poster sessions, and a discussion forum for all attendees. We will be accepting 250-word abstracts for 20-minute papers and poster presentations. We highly encourage poster submissions, particularly for research projects in progress, as there will be opportunities for active dialogue.
Abstracts must be submitted by January 4, 2010. Please email submissions to Please see the OSU FSA website for details on submissions : or follow us on Facebook (search : OSU Folklore Student Association) and Twitter. Register for this event for free at
For more information on the details of the conference (lodging, location, etc.), visit in the coming months.
8. Graduate School Foreign Language Exam (GSFLE) for French
Please find below the scheduled dates and times for the Spring 2010 Graduate School Foreign Language Exam (GSFLE) for French.
Friday, January 8, 2010 8:30 am, 10 am, 1:30 pm, 3 pm BEST Testing Room (F.F. 014)
Friday, January 15, 2010 8:30 am, 10 am, 1:30 pm, 3 pm BEST Testing Room (F.F. 014)
This exam is given by BEST (Bloomington Evaluation Services and Testing). Please note that the Department of French and Italian does not handle registration for this exam. Students may register at the BEST Testing Center in Franklin Hall 014 (855-1595). Be prepared to provide your 10-digit University identification number and pay applicable test fees:
• Standard Test Fee: $15.00
• Mail/Phone Registration: $18.00
• Special Appointment: $50.00
Further details about the exam, including sample questions, may be found on the BEST website:
9. Hans Boeckler Doctoral Fellowship
The Hans Boeckler Foundation (HBS) is pleased to announce the Hans Boeckler Doctoral Fellowship for 2010-2011. In March a committee will award one fellowship. The deadline for applications is February 15, 2010.
These residential fellowships will be awarded to graduate students engaged in dissertation projects related to the Foundations research and policy consulting program and to the on-going work of its researchers. During their tenure fellows are expected to be in residence in Duesseldorf and to participate actively in the intellectual life of the Foundation.
The Hans-Boeckler-Foundation of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB) promotes codetermination as a principle for designing a democratic society. The HBS provides consulting services and training for elected representatives of works councils, staff councils and supervisory board representatives but also provides funding for some 2,000 university students. An important aspect of the Foundation’s work is related to academic research in various fields of study. Besides providing funding for external research, the HBS also maintains two own research institutes, the Institute for Economic and Social Research (WSI) and the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK). Research projects cover a broad range of issues and fields of study. Among other aspects, research topics include welfare state development, co-determination, macroeconomics and European economic coordination, working time policy, collective bargaining, work organization, labor market regulation, gender studies, regional economic development, and the distribution of wealth and income. For a summary of the Foundations and the WSI’s research profiles see Working languages at the HBS are German and English.
Doctoral Candidates are eligible to apply if they have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. but the dissertation. The fellowship is available for non-German nationals.
Fellows may spend between six and twelve months in residence at the HBS for field research or theoretical work. Grants will normally begin by July 2010; however, individual arrangements are possible. The fellowship provides a stipend of 1150 Euro per month. In addition, the HBS will pay one economy class round trip from your location to Duesseldorf. Within limits of its possibilities the Foundation will also contribute to the costs for travel for field research within Germany.
Applicants should send a cover letter with name, address, e-mail and telephone number, their current CV, a research proposal not exceeding ten double spaced pages, and two letters of recommendation from academic advisors. Applicants should indicate how much time they would want to spend at the HBS and when they would like to start their tenure. Applications should be addressed to:
Hans Boeckler Foundation
c/o Dorothee Schmitz
Hans Boeckler Strasse 39
D-40476 Duesseldorf
10. Grant Funding Opportunities
- Summer Pre-dissertation Grant
Summer Pre-dissertation Grants support 6-8 week trips abroad for preliminary dissertation fieldwork activities such as exploring potential research sites, archives and other research resources; establishing institutional affiliations; and identifying and meeting with local scholars and contacts. Applicants must outline a plan that is designed to secure the feasibility of their eventual dissertation plans.
Applicants may be students from any discipline, department, or campus; must be enrolled in a program leading to the Ph.D. at Indiana University; and must have completed at least two years of graduate course work prior to the beginning date of proposed research–at least one year being at IU. Students admitted to doctoral candidacy prior to fall 2010 are not eligible.
Competitive Priority
Pre-dissertation grants are intended for students who will apply in the 2010-2011 academic year for external funding to conduct their dissertation research abroad beginning in fall 2010 or spring 2011. Priority will be given to applicants who plan activities designed to increase their competitiveness for external international dissertation research grants.
Award & Deadline
The grant covers round trip airfare to research destination and provides a $1000 stipend. The deadline is Friday February 19 at 5pm.
Additional information, application and instructions available at:
- International Enhancement Grant
International Enhancement Grants support relevant internationally-focused academic or training opportunities that will enhance degree programs at Indiana University during the Summer 2010 period. Activities must be directed and off-campus in areas that do not duplicate opportunities or coursework available through their home campus. Grants are not available to support study programs or internships for which students receive credit.
Eligible applicants are graduate students from any discipline, department, or campus; enrolled in a program leading to a graduate degree at Indiana University; and must have completed at least nine credit hours of graduate coursework at IU by the time of application. Students who will have completed their IU degree program by the semester of the grant are not eligible. Students already admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. are not eligible.
Competitive Priority
Preference is given to applicants whose projects involve international travel.
Award & Deadline
Awards range from $1000 to $2000. The deadline for Summer 2010 grants is Friday February 19 at 5pm.
Additional information, application and instructions available at:
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