Friday, December 18, 2009

ConNooga AMV Video Film Contest 2010

Deadline : February 1, 2010

ConNooga AMV Contest 2010
1. Participants
o ConNooga staff/volunteers eligible (except for Judge's Choice award)
o Only three (3) entries will be accepted per individual.

2. Categories
o We will have four categories that will be judged by attendees along with a “Best of Show” that will be judged by the ConNooga AMV staff.
1. Drama/Romance
2. Action/Adventure
3. Comedy/Parody
4. Other (when it just won’t fit anywhere else)
5. Judge's Choice (Best overall)

3. Content
o Your entry must be your own work and no one else's. Kind of obvious, but we felt we should say this. Also, anonymous submissions cannot be accepted.
o The ConNooga AMV Contest is rated PG-13. We want people of all ages to be able to see your work. Use your best judgment.

4. Length of Entries
o Entries can be as short as 30 seconds and up to 6 minutes long. If it goes over that length, there’s a chance it may be cut short due to time constraints.
o Any title screens, logos, credits, or introductions before and/or after the actual video will count toward the 6 minute limit.
o At least 75% of each entry must be set to music.
o At least 75% of each entry must contain anime-oriented footage.

5. Submission Deadline
o The deadline for all submissions is February 1, 2010. All entries must be in our hands on that date.
o Late entries are ineligible for the contest, but you may still send them in for non-competition screenings if scheduling permits.

6. Format of Submissions
o As long as we can play it back on a computer (full screen), we’re good.
o It would be preferable if submissions were sent in as data files to allow us to compile them for presentation.
o CD, DVD, or electronic submissions are acceptable.

7. Submission Guidelines:
o Video must be NTSC (not PAL or SECAM).
o Video should be no smaller than 640x480 pixels in size.
o Email for instructions on how to submit your video electronically.
o Do not send your master copy. Entries will not be returned nor can they be picked up at the convention.

8. Submission Instructions
o Complete a copy of the entry form.
o Mail your CD or DVD to:
Con Nooga AMV
6432 Harbor Master Dr.
Hixson, TN 37343

o If you are submitting electronically you'll need to do the following:
1. Upload your video(s) to either MediaFire, RapidShare, or Megaupload.
2. E-mail the link to your video(s) to Zippy (AMV Coordinator) via
3. Fill out the information requested on the online form *SEE BELOW* and also send it via e-mail to
o You will receive an email notice when your entry is received. Make sure your e-mail address is on the entry form.
o If you have any trouble with submitting via this method please send an e-mail to Zippy at

9. Judging

o Audience Awards: The audience will be given a ballot with all the finalist entries in the contest listed, and be asked to choose which videos they think are the best in each respective category.
o Judges Awards: ConNooga AMV staff will analyze all finalist entries to the AMV competition. They will then vote to determine their pick for “Best Overall” AMV (ConNooga staff/volunteers are not eligible to compete for the Judge’s Choice award)

10.The legal stuff

o By submitting an entry, each contestant agrees that they have read, understood and will comply with these official rules. You also give consent to the use of the entrant's name, likeness and/or biographical data for purposes of advertising and promotion by ConNooga, without further consent, compensation or approval.

o Submitted materials become the property of ConNooga and will not be returned. By submitting a video to ConNooga, the video creator grants ConNooga permission to publicly show that video. The video creator otherwise retains all rights and responsibilities relating to its creation.

o We cannot be held responsible for lost or misdirected entries. As long as you list an e-mail address, we will notify you when we receive your submission(s).

o Do not submit anyone's videos other than your own.
o We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time without notice.

Should you have any questions, concerns, or problems with the above please e-mail Zippy (AMV Coordinator) at

Source :



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