No Name-Calling Week (January 25 – 29, 2010) is a week of educational and art activities aimed at stopping name-calling and bullying in schools. The Creative Expression Contest is an opportunity for students to submit essays, poetry, music, original artwork, or other pieces that convey their experiences and feelings about name-calling, and their ideas for putting a stop to verbal bullying in their schools and communities. This year, we have added a new High School category to the contest for short-film submissions that focus on anti-LGBT name-calling and bullying in school. The goal is to have students working on their art pieces during the week as a way to learn about and deal with name-calling and bullying.
The contest is divided into three different judging categories. It is open to all individual students in grades K – 12.
Click on the category you wish to enter for specific guidelines and entry forms:
Primary School (Grades K – 5)
Middle School (Grades 6 – 8)
High School (Grades 9 – 12)
Only U.S. residents are eligible to apply.
DEADLINE: Friday, February 26, 2010
All entries must be postmarked on or received via fax or e-mail by 6pm Eastern time on Friday, February 26, 2010. Winners will be notified by telephone, mail, or e-mail by April 2010.
Download the appropriate rules and guidelines and the corresponding entry form. Fill out the form and send (along with your entry) to GLSEN:
Via fax: 646-388-8060
Via mail:
No Name-Calling Week Creative Expression Contest
c/o GLSEN Education Department
90 Broad Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10004
Via email:
Please note that all electronically submitted work must be accompanied by an electronically signed entry form. Alternately a hard copy of the form, with signature, may be mailed or faxed simultaneous to electronic submission.
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About No Name-Calling Week
Coordinated by GLSEN in collaboration with over 40 national education organizational partners, No Name-Calling Week is an annual week of educational activities aimed at ending name-calling of all kinds and providing schools with the tools and inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to eliminate bullying in their communities.
For more information about No Name-Calling Week, click here:
History of No Name-Calling Week
National partners
Resources (including lesson plans)
Media inquiries can be sent to
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