Deadline : October 31
1. Send your chapbook manuscript of 20-30 pages of non-fiction.
2. Paginate ms. and include table of contents.
3. Individual pieces may have been published in literary journals, but the ms.has not been previously published before as a book. Include acknowledgement page for previously published pieces.
4. Send two cover pages, one with your name and contact information, one with the name of manuscript only.
5. Attach check or money order in the amount of $15.00 made to the order of Gribble Press.
6. Include an SASE for notification of winner
7. May be a simultaneous submission, but we want immediate notification if accepted by another press.
8. You may submit multiple submissions, but please include a $15.00 entry fee for each submission.
9. Manuscript must be postmarked by October 31, 2008. Winner will be announced by December 1, 2008.
10. Send through regular U.S. mail. If you want notification of receipt, include a stamped postcard, no postal return receipts, please.
11. Mail to Chapbook Contest, Gribble Press, PO Box 10307, Spokane, WA 99209-0307.
Note: We will run a contest with the intent to act ethically, provide clear guidelines, and make our process as transparent as possible. Our goal is to publish the most exciting and energetic literary work available.
Contact us at Gribble Press, PO Box 10307, Spokane, WA 99209-0307 or e-mail Gribble(at) (replace (at) with @)
Source : Greymaredit
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