July 1 - October 15, 2008
Isotope is looking for outstanding examples of literary nature and science writing. Below you will find our contest submission guidlines. Winners will receive publication and $300. All entrants will receive a subscription to Isotope and will also be considered for publication. Entrants will be notified in spring 2009.
Contest Guidelines
No more than 20 pages of prose (fiction or nonfiction), standard font, double-spaced, normal margins.
Simultaneous submissions are okay, so long as they are identified as such and we are notified immediately if work is taken elsewhere. We do not accept submissions of previously published material.
1-5 poems, totaling not more than 10 pages, single-spaced, no more than one poem per page.
Name should not appear on manuscript.
Include cover sheet with name, address, e-mail, phone number(s), genre and titles of work submitted.
Include genre on outside of envelope.
Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for notification of results. You may also include a self-addressed, stamped postcard to confirm receipt of your entry at the magazine.
Pay the $15 contest fee for each entry. Payments can be made online here, or payments can be mailed to the address below. Fees will be credited toward a discounted two-year subscription.
You may enter only one submission in each genre but you may enter more than one genre.
Entries must be postmarked July 1 - October 15, 2008.
Note: Each entry requires the $15 fee, which will be credited to extended subscriptions if you enter two or three genres total. Pay your contest fees at
Send entries to :
Department of English
Utah State University
3200 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322-3200
Manuscripts will not be returned. Those not selected will be recycled.
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