This competition is not mentioning sound or music, but their interest in location- and context-aware mobile and ubiquitous media, and their mentioning of artistic works might make it worthwhile to submit some mobile sound and music projects- go on, sonify mindtrek!
Call to participate in the
2nd Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards Competition (7000 Euros)
MindTrek Conference
October 7-9, 2008 | Tampere, Finland
DEADLINE: 12th September 2008 16:00
The Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards is an international competition arranged by MindTrek, Nokia and Tampere Region Centre of Expertise in Ubiquitous Computing, and the NAMU research group.
The purpose of the competition is to encourage makers of digital media to generate ideas and develop new and innovative ubimedia products & services. The entries are expected to take a stand on the following questions, for example:
1. How does ubiquitous computing affect media environments
2. What are intelligent media environments like
3. What will the location- and context-aware media services of the future be like
A few other examples are:
1. Pervasive and ubiquitous games
2. Ambient installations
3. Artistic works related to ubiquitous media and computation
4. Business models
5. Ambient and ubiquitous media technology
6. Ubiquitous and ambient media services, devices, and environments
7. Context aware, sensing, and interfaces for ubiquitous computation
8. Ergonomics, human-computer interaction designs, and product prototypes
9. Software, hardware and middleware framework demonstrations
10. Ambient television
The total award sum for the Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek competition category is 7 000 Euros. The sum can be awarded to one entry, divided between several entries or not awarded at all if the award criteria set by the jury are not fulfilled.
All ubimedia, ubiquitous, pervasive, or ambient products or product and service concepts which have been finalized during the previous year after 1st January 2007 are eligible to take part in the competition.
How to participate?
Please check out the website for entry forms and actual information.
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