Dear Friends,
I wish to notify the young composers that only 15days remain until September 5, 2008 - the deadline of sending applications to the
International Competition for Young Composers ‘’Ton de Leeuw 2008′’.
1). The Jury will select 12 works that will be performed (Asmus Ensemble, dir. Alqi Lepuri; Concert Hall, Academy of Arts, Tirana) in 24, 25, 26 November 2008.
a. 6 works will be performed in November 24; b. 6 works will be performed in November 25;
c. In the Final Night Concert will be performed the 6 best works (from the 12 selected and performed formerly) and the prizes will be announced:
First Prize / Ton de Leeuw: 1000€; Second Prize / Ton de Leeuw: 800€; Third Prize / Ton de Leeuw: 600€; Special Prize / AELFIOR EDITIONS: 200 €
2). The performed works of the participant composers will be recorded and the authors will receive a CD copy of the recording.
3). These performed works will also be TV recorded and broadcasted.
4). The 12 selected works (after an agreement with the authors/composers) will be published by AELFIOR EDITIONS ( and the authors will receive a copy of their published/edited work; from their distribution the authors/composers will earn 15% from each sold score/publication.
6). The formation (single/partial/solo, combinations or full mode) is: Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet. Piano, String quartet.
Best regards,
Prof. Aleksander Peçi
President of AELFIOR
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