Presented by Sony Creative Software with the support of the International Society for Technology and Education (ISTE), the Technology in Motion project is a complete educational program created for teachers to use in multimedia courses as a structured curriculum. The contest is designed to engage students in professional video and audio production.
The theme for the contest is "Community of the Future." We want students to share their vision of how technology will shape their community in the future. For example, what might their community be like in the year 2050? How will people shop, travel, and communicate ? Students are encouraged to interact with their local city council, mayor, city employees, community centers, and other groups to create their film.
Every school that submits a qualifying Call for Entries form will receive film submission guidelines and a Technology in Motion launch kit, which includes :
* Free copy of Sony® Vegas™ Pro 8 Promotional Edition video editing software
* Free copy of Sony® Cinescore™ Promotional Edition soundtrack creation software
* Free Sony Vegas Pro and Sony Cinescore video tutorials
* 1,001 royalty-free, motion picture sound effects
* Assortment of Cinescore themes for royalty-free soundtrack creation
* Free electronic copy of the Vegas Pro Digital Video & Audio Production curriculum guide
Sony Vegas Pro 8 software is a leading professional video and audio production application. Sony Cinescore is an easy-to-use application that automatically generates professional, royalty-free soundtrack music. By participating in the Technology in Motion contest, your students will gain valuable knowledge of the entire movie production process – from script to screen.
Participating is easy. Here's how the program works :
Step 1 CALL FOR ENTRIES - Complete and submit (by the school representative of at least 18 years of age) a Call for Entries form for each film concept submitted by a student or team of students who wish to create a film. All Call for Entries forms must be received by October 15, 2008. Sony Creative Software will send each participating school the Technology in Motion launch kit. (Launch kits will be mailed on or around December 1, 2008.)
Step 2 CREATE A FILM – Use Sony Vegas Pro 8 software and the Digital Video & Audio Production curriculum book (provided in PDF format with the Technology in Motion launch kit) to help your students plan, edit, and produce their original entry. Students can also use the included Sony Cinescore software to create royalty-free soundtrack music. Contest Submissions must include video, audio, and film credits and should be no more than five (5) minutes in total length.
Step 3 UPLOAD A SUBMISSION – Complete (by the school representative of at least 18 years of age) the online film submission form and upload the film(s). Entries must be received between January 1 and April 1, 2009.
Step 4 JUDGING – All submissions will be selected and judged based on technical and creative criteria, which will be outlined in the Technology in Motion launch kit. Three films will be chosen as finalist submissions by an expert panel. The finalists' films will be posted online at | HERE | between May 12 and May 20, 2009.
Step 5 AWARD CEREMONY - Two school representatives from each of the top three finalists must attend an awards ceremony to be held at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) 2009. Winners will be publicly announced at the conference. Limited expenses in conjunction with attendance may be reimbursed subject to submission of acceptable documentation.
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