English — Open Rank
The Department of English invites applications for a tenure-track position in Creative Writing - Creative Nonfiction. The ideal candidate would have a secondary expertise in fiction writing or some area of literature, along with a strong record of publication. Enthusiasm for teaching composition and general education literature is vital. Ph.D. or MFA. Open rank. Please see College website for more information.
Position will begin with the 2009-2010 academic year. Send letter of interest, resume, and names of references by November 14, 2008 to:
Dr. Sharon Coolidge, Chair
English Department
Wheaton College
Wheaton, IL 60187
Application forms will be sent to promising applicants.
Wheaton College is a highly selective Evangelical Protestant Christian liberal arts college whose faculty members affirm a Statement of Faith and adhere to lifestyle expectations of our Community Covenant. The College complies with federal and state guidelines of nondiscrimination in employment; women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Send letter of interest and curriculum vitae (unless otherwise stated) to:
Office of the Provost
Wheaton College
Wheaton, IL 60187
Applications will be mailed to promising candidates.
Sheila Bender's Writing It Real, an online magazine for those who write from personal experience, is holding a poetry and personal essay contest. We seek previously unpublished essays up to two pages double-spaced on anytheme from personal experience.
Reading period ends September 30, 2008.
Complete guidelines at here
Everyone who enters the contest will receive a detailed response to their work from Sheila Bender. Three winners, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, will be asked for permission to publish their work in Writing It Real and will receive a half-hour phone consult on writing and publishing with Sheila.
Three winners, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, will be asked for permission to publish their work in Writing It Real and will receive a half-hour phone consult with Sheila on writing and publishing.
Submit up to six double-spaced pages of prose or three poems.
Reading Fee: $45 Reading Fee includes a $30 year's subscription to Writing It Real as well as Sheila's response.
Site Sponsored :
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