“Technology is a tool to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges,” proclaimed Intel Chairman Craig Barrett at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco today. And with those words, Barrett launched a contest that will award $400,000 to the “most innovative ideas for applying technology” to global health care, education, economic development, and the environment.
According to the Inspire-Empower Challenge’s website, the contest is open to individuals, developers, and organizations worldwide (including the general public). The contest will award one $100,000 prize in each of the four designated categories: education, healthcare, economic development, and the environment. The winners will be selected based primarily on their innovativeness and sustainability; the proceeds are meant to be used for funding the respective submissions.
Key dates in the contest are :
Sep. 30, 2008 - registration deadline
Jan. 31, 2009 - submission deadline
Apr. 8, 2009 — winners announced
Complete contest rules and other details are available at the Inspire-Empower Challenge website.
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