Most bridal sari patterns still originate in south Asia – but the British Sari Story 2008 competition is calling for people around the UK to create their own, British embroidery, embellishment and beading.
The top entries will join the British Sari Story touring exhibition – a glorious display of traditional and contemporary saris which celebrates British Asian heritage.
The name of the overall winner will be unveiled when the show is opened at Charnwood Museum, Loughborough, in early October.
“Bridal saris can take the breath away,” says competition organiser, Bridging Arts director Susan Roberts.
“Traditionally their embroidery and beading reflects the traditions of South Asia. But this year – 2008 – we are looking for something new, a British Bridal Sari with British embroidery, embellishment and needlework which will be magnificent in its own way. We might have a tweed sari with a heather embroidered motif – or a Welsh sari with leeks and daffodils. We might have buttons instead of sequins decorating the sari – or a mixture of both!”
Entry to the competition is free. Competitors are asked to create a 20cm square swatch of fabric which they can imagine being created into a bridal sari.
Entry forms can be downloaded from The closing date is 31 August 2008.
The British Sari Story national tour is funded by Arts Council England. The original exhibition was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and created by Bridging Arts.
Bridging Arts works with art, design and photography to give people without a voice the chance to speak out, to trigger debate and to open minds. Visit for more information.
Bridging Arts
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