Thursday, December 24, 2009

Short Short Film Fest 2010

Deadline : March 31st, 2010.

Make an Internet film between 10 seconds and 2 minutes based on any part of the soundtrack to Garrett Fisher's The Passion of Saint Sebastian. You could win the $500 Prize for Best Film.

How Win $500

1. Sign up! You'll receive a link to the soundtrack which is yours to keep.

2. Create an original video (between 10 seconds and 2 minutes) using the soundtrack.

3. Upload your video to your own account to and send us a link to your video. Entries should be received by March 31st, 2010.

4. We'll show your video on our Vimeo Channel during April, 2010.

5. On May 1, 2010, a Jury including a prominent art critic, museum director, and award-winning filmmaker will decide the Winner who will win Five Hundred U.S. Dollars ($500).

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03 March
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