Monday, December 21, 2009

HAI Europe Essay Competition 2010

Deadline : 30 March 2010

Health Action International (HAI)

Stichting Health Action International is a Dutch civil society Non-Government Organisation (NGO), with a coordinating office (HAI Global) in Amsterdam and partner regional offices Africa (Nairobi), Asia Pacific (Colombo), Latin America (Lima) and Europe (Amsterdam). Although primarily a Dutch organization, HAI is recognised for its global medicines policy expertise and as a non-profit, independent, worldwide network of over 200 members including consumer groups, public interest NGOs, health care providers, academics, media and individuals in more than 70 countries.

Attention students: Win a chance to present at the HAI Europe annual meeting

Health Action International (HAI) Europe is sponsoring an essay contest open to those resident in the European region who are in, or have completed, full time education in the last eight years. The essay should focus on one of the principle areas of HAI Europe’s policy work: Rational use of medicines, Access to essential medicines, Democratisation of medicines’ policy.

Essays must be written in English, double-spaced, and be between 1500 and 2000 words. The deadline for receipt of the essays is 30 March 2010. Essays should be sent to Rose de Groot electronically at

Winning entries will be selected by a panel of referees and announced at the end of June. There will be (limited) funding available to cover the costs (travel, hotel, entry visa) for the winner to attend the autumn Annual General Meeting of the HAI Europe Association so that she/he can make a short 15-minute presentation based on their essay at the meeting and be present over the course of the two-day meeting (exact date and location to be determined). Winning essays will also be posted on the HAI website.

Essays must be accompanied by an Application Form (including the Conflict of Interest form)

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03 March
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