Saturday, December 12, 2009

Millennium 25th Northedge Essay Competition

Deadline : 15 January 2010

Established in 1986 to commemorate the invaluable contribution of the late Professor F.S. Northedge to the creation of Millennium, the annual Northedge Essay Competition furthers a Millennium tradition of publishing well-argued student work in a journal open to new issues and innovative approaches to International Relations. The winning essay is generally published in the first issue of the each volume.

Next Deadline for Submissions : 15 January 2010

The Northedge Essay Competition is open to any student who is currently pursuing or has recently completed a degree in International Relations or a related field. The essay may be part of a doctoral research project, an essay or dissertation submitted as part of an undergraduate or Masters’ degree course, a seminar paper or similar work.

The essay may be on any topic within International Relations or related areas of study. The essay must be typed, doubled-spaced and of approximately 7,000 to 10,000 words in length. References should be typed as footnotes and should give the name of the author, the name of the source, the place, the publisher, date of publication, and relevant page numbers. In a reference, the title of an article should appear in single inverted commas, followed by the name of the journal in which it appears, with volume and issue number, date of publication, and relevant page numbers. Essays must not have been previously published, or simultaneously submitted for consideration elsewhere. For undergraduate or Masters’ degree candidates whose essays form part of the requirements for a degree awarded by examination, essays must be submitted to the competition after the examination process has been concluded. Essays will be judged by the Editors on the basis of the essay’s contribution to the advancement of the field, originality of the argument, and scholarly presentation.

Submissions and all enquiries to:

Millennium: Journal of International Studies
London School of Economics
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)2071 955 6188
Fax: +44 (0)2071 955 7438

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01 January
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