Deadline : December 29th, 2009
We here at Shutter Photo are very excited to announce our very first photo competition for the members (and soon to be members) of the Shutter Photo @ Flickr Group. As regular readers of Shutter Photo already are aware, at the top of our page is a cropped photo we refer to as the ‘ribbon’. To date, this photo is the product of one of our own. But that will no longer be the case. The ribbon shown on the main page could very well be yours, if you are, perhaps, the winner of this competition.
The Ribbon Photo Competition is going to be a fairly regular competition which we will offer four times per year, once every three months. The winner gets their photo displayed as the ribbon for a period of three months, and their full credit (complete with links) will be provided in a prominent place on our main page. This is a great way to get your work exhibited and displayed. It’s also going to be a fun competition.
Entering is simple, and certainly worth a try. For more detailed information about the competition, please see below. If you have questions, comments and/or thoughts, please feel free to discuss in response to this post. As this is our first competition, we’re looking for any thoughts and feedback to help us make sure that this, and future, competitions run smoothly.
I hope to see your photos submitted – we’re really looking forward to this, and to the possibility of a new ribbon here at Shutter Photo.
Photo Requirements
The ribbon shown at the top of the page is 965×70 at 72 DPI. Any photo entered into this competition shall be at least that size and shall have the same aspect ratio. Our current photo is nearly monotone, but don’t let that influence your contribution. We will accept all types of photos, including color photos (even hand-colored photos). Subject matter is up to you, as is the cropping.
How to Enter
To enter, you must be a member of the Shutter Photo @ Flickr Group (which we call SP@Flickr for short). Your photo must be submitted to the SP@Flickr Pool and must be tagged “SPRIBBONCONTEST1″ (copy/paste without quotes just to be sure). As mentioned above, the official photo must be 965×70 at 72 DPI (or larger with the same aspect ratio). Feel free to submit a full-size uncropped photo for support, but let it be known that the official image used for judging will be the one at 965×70 size.
The submission deadline will be December 29th, 2009 at midnight, GMT.
The Prize
The winning photograph will be displayed as the “ribbon” across the top of the main page here at Shutter Photo. Additionally, full credit will be provided in a prominent location (contained within the “Welcome” block at the top-right of the home page) including the name of the photographer, the name of the photo, a link to an uncropped version of the photograph (if available) and up to two links to the creator/owner’s website(s) of choice (personal blog, personal gallery, etc). Shutter Photo guarantees that the ribbon, credits and associated links will remain in place for a minimum of three months (based on calendar months). Winning photos, and associated credits and links, will be maintained in an all-star gallery, which is intended to be maintained indefinately.
The Judges
This will be a judged event. I will certainly be the first judge, but I won’t go it alone. Helping me with judging will be Lisa Newton and David Clark, both great photographers in their own right. Here’s a little more information about each of us :
Lisa Newton is best known for her work with her blog, Travelin’ Local. Her site is all about the local travel opportunities one will find in Southern California, though I one day expect some franchises all over the country, or even the world. Her photography, which can be characterized as travel photography or even photojournalism is of course complimentary to her site. Photography takes a bit of a side-stage to her main works, her writings of her journeys around Southern California, but it is an essential part of her blog. In addition to her work on her own blog, Lisa is a contributing guest writer to Digital Photography School. Lisa’s works are avaiable on her blog, Travelin’ Local and at Flickr.
David Clark is an experienced nature and industrial photographer. His photography has been featured here at Shutter Photo. A mathematician by trade, Clark is skilled at making minute calculations in the field with his camera. He also has an apparent steel arm, shooting often with lower shutter speeds than most photographers would be comfortable without a tripod – yet his work is tack sharp. His work is inspiring; not only for its ability to bring beauty out of presumably ugly subjects (industrial ruins, burned out buildings, and so on) but also because of his ability to provide interesting perspectives on wildlife nature. Who else would provide to us a poster-worthy photo of a Squirrel eating a French Fry? David’s work can be found at his blog, Cliffs and Ruins, his portfolio site, David Clark Photography, and of course Flickr.
D. Travis North – well…that’s me. If you’re here, I assume you know quite a bit about me already. But for those of you who aren’t familiar, here’s a short introduction. I am a Professional Landscape Architect with a strong interest in photography for the past fifteen years. I like to shoot just about anything, but I tend to be most attracted to landscape photography, architectural photography and any details of either. My work has been featured in Soura Magazine, as a guest photographer at The Carey Adventures and on Digital Photography School. I of course edit and maintain Shutter Photo, but my works are also available at my portfolio site, D. Travis North Photography, my photo blog No Words and, of course, Flickr.
The Essential Disclaimer By entering this contest, you agree only to permit the use of your photo by Shutter Photo or its affiliates for the purpose of promoting the site, Shutter Photo, or for sharing in a designated gallery for the purpose of sharing entries into said competition. Shutter Photo, and it’s affiliates, agree to fully credit the creator/owner of the photograph in every instance of the photograph’s display. The full ownership and copyright shall be of the creator/owner of the photograph(s) in question and Shutter Photo will not claim ownership and/or copyright of any photo entered in this competition. Shutter Photo, or its affiliates, reserves the right to alter the winning photo in any means necessary to display as part of the website. All edits, if any, will be noted within the designated crediting block.
The winning photographer/owner’s website selection is subject to review of Shutter Photo staff. Any links to websites considered inappropriate for our audience, websites that are clearly designed for spam or malware purposes or otherwise will be rejected. Shutter Photo reserves the right to reject any link or to remove a link without warning.
Source : shutterphoto
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