Thursday, December 17, 2009

IAFIE 2010 Essay Competition

Deadline : Friday, January 15, 2010


The International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) is pleased to announce its Essay Competition for 2010. This competition promotes IAFIE's goal of providing a forum for the communication and exchange of ideas and information for those interested in and concerned with intelligence education.

The Competition is open to everyone having an interest in furthering intelligence education. (IAFIE officers and staff are not eligible to compete.)


First place finishers in each category will receive a $1,000 cash award and be invited to speak at the Annual IAFIE conference, May 25-27, 2010, at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel in Ottawa, Canada. IAFIE will pay for travel, accommodations, and conference registration costs.

Second place finishers in each category will each receive $500 in cash. First and second place finishers will have the opportunity to publish their essays on the IAFIE website.

First and second place finishers will also receive a one year free membership in IAFIE.


Professional - An individual who is working or who has worked as an intelligence practitioner, or an individual who is or has been involved in teaching intelligence studies or providing intelligence training(i.e., teacher, trainer, consultant).

Graduate Student - A full-time or part-time graduate student currently enrolled with a college or university.

Undergraduate Student - A full-time or part-time undergraduate student currently enrolled in a college or university.

Essay Question :

Please answer the following question in your essay.

The impact of intelligence is often difficult to evaluate. With that in mind, select an event related to national security, law enforcement, or another dimension of intelligence history when intelligence, or the lack thereof, played a salient role. What would you identify as lessons to be learned from this episode? Support your
argument through evidence and logic; criteria for judging the essays will envelop both rigor and originality. There are no chronological restrictions.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must include a cover sheet with the author's name, contact information, category (Professional, Graduate Student, or Undergraduate Student), title for the essay, and, for graduate or undergraduate students, the name of the college or university they are attending. Those submitting in the Professional category must submit a biography of 50 words or less.

Do not include your name on the essay.

Essays must be no longer than 3500 words, excluding endnotes and bibliography, and submitted double spaced using Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Essays must be submitted in English using Word or PDF format.

Essays must be original and not previously published. Submission constitutes permission to publish.

Deadline for Submission : Friday, January 15, 2010, midnight, EST.
Email your submission to :

Notification : Award winners will be notified no later than Friday, April 2, 2010.

Evaluation Criteria : A panel of intelligence professionals will judge all entries and select the winners for each category. Essays will be evaluated on their relevance to the question, resourcefulness, clarity of the argument, logic and coherence, evidentiary support, and the quality of the exposition.

Questions can be addressed to Richard H. Immerman at


Timothy Andrews Sayle
Thomas J. Davis Fellow in Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

Center for the Study of Force and Diplomacy
Department of History, Temple University
Philadelphia, PA

Source :


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01 January
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