During the summer of 2010, Midland Bay will be home to international crews of youth participating in a friendly contest of seamanship from July 24 to 31st. The crews from countries such as France, Italy, Belgium, Indonesia, Russia, Ireland, Denmark and others will participate in sailing, rowing and other events using replica 18th century 38' wooden longboats on Georgian Bay.
The Atlantic Challenge International Contest of Seamanship is a biannual event that brings member countries together for a week long gathering where mixed crews of youth participate in a variety of events. The event aims to encourage traditional maritime skills and to foster friendship and harmony between youth, nations and cultures. The crews, made up of youth ages 15 and up learn to manoeuvre these replica boats under sail and oars through a series of events.
These events include a traditional sailing race, sailing and rowing combined, rowing, rudderless slalom, jackstay transfer, man overboard, Captain's gig and navigation. Each event requires the crew of 13 to work together as a team to complete each event in the least amount of time, or with the most finesse such as the Captain's gig. The Captain's gig event provides an opportunity for the crews to show off their expertise in controlling the 38' boat as they dock, pick up a dignitary and transport them to a waiting ship. Other events, strive to mix crews from around the world to provide an opportunity for crews to get to know each other and develop international relationships.
Atlantic Challenge was first begun in 1984 and since then has grown to 12 nations and over 70 longboats throughout the world. Canada participated in events since 1992 and last hosted the event in 1994 in Penetanguishene. Next year, several crews will be coming early to train in the area so expect to see these majestic boats sailing in the Midland area for most of July.
More Information :
Republish by : NORBERTUS CITRA IRAWAN,SP - www.competitions.co.nr
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