Saturday, December 12, 2009

Teen Video Awards Contest 2010 by HMSA

Deadline : March 1, 2010

The Hawaii Medical Service Association in conjunction with Hawaii Department of Education and Mothers Against Drunk Driving have launched the 2010 HMSA Teen Video Awards Contest.

The annual video contest challenges students in middle and high schools to create public service announcements focusing on important teen health issues.

Contest categories include fitness/nutrition, drug-free, tobacco-free, underage drinking prevention, and social issues. Socials issues may include topics such as teen pregnancy, Internet safety, bullying, teen suicide, date rape and more.

Middle and high school students must submit fully produced PSAs that do not exceed 27 seconds in length. Winners will be selected based on content, impact/effectiveness, creativity, and videography.

Winning videos will be broadcast on local television stations.

Each winning school will receive funds to purchase additional video equipment or software.

Winners in each category will be awarded as follows: 1st – $1,000, 2nd – $500, and 3rd – $250. The Best of Show will receive an additional $1,000.

Deadline for submissions is March 1. Finalists will be notified in early April and winners will be announced at a gala awards ceremony May 13 in Honolulu.

Information packets, including contest rules, entry forms, release forms and copyright information, have been distributed to schools statewide. All forms must be signed and submitted by March 1, 2010, along with the finished PSA.

The HMSA Teen Video Awards Contest was started in 2003 as a way to raise awareness of health issues affecting Hawaii’s youth. The program involves teens in a way that is fun, creative and thought-provoking. It is intended to inspire youth dialogue and support nontraditional learners.

Contest Rules

The HMSA Teen Video Awards Contest gives students, working individually or in teams, the opportunity to create and produce their own public service announcement on health issues. The contest is open to middle and high school students statewide from public and private schools.
Entrance and Submission Guidelines

* Videos must be the individual’s or team’s own original work. Assistance from a professional production company is not permitted.
* All entries must include:
o One original, fully produced 27-second video with slate. (See “Video Format Specification Requirements” for submission details.)
o Completed and signed entry form(s).
o Copies of any necessary releases or licenses required to use third-party content. It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that all the necessary forms and releases are completed. Incomplete entries will be disqualified.
* All entry materials must be submitted together, and each piece should be clearly labeled with the individual or team leader’s name, video title, and school. Individuals or teams may submit multiple entries in the same or different categories.
* Video categories are:
o Fitness/nutrition.
o Drug-free.
o Tobacco-free.
o Underage drinking prevention.
o Social health (such as sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, Internet safety, bullying, teen suicide, date rape, and more).
* All entries become the property of HMSA and cannot be returned.

Entry Forms

* For individual entries, students must complete and sign a separate Entry Form, consisting of 4 pages, for each video entered.
* For team entries, the designated team leader must complete designated sections on page 1 of the Entry Form; a copy of pages 2 & 3 must be completed and signed by each member of the team.
* Teams may include students from different schools, but each team must select one team captain, one sponsoring school, and one sponsoring teacher. Any prizes awarded will be given to the sponsoring school.

Video Format Specification Requirements
Length : 27 seconds, maximum
NTSC : 4:3 interlaced
Timebase : 29.97 fps
Frame size : 720 X 480 (preferred)
640 X 480
Audio : 32/48kHz (48kHz preferred)
12/16 bit (16 bit preferred)
stereo/mono (stereo preferred)
Media : Mini DV tape (preferred)
DVD video (playable in standard NTSC DVD player)

* All video entries must be “slated” with the category, title and school name.
* Video entries must follow this format in this order:
1. 15 seconds of video black.
2. 10-second slate with the category, title and school.
3. 5 seconds of video black.
4. Start video entry.
* Only multiple entries in the same category may be submitted on a single tape or disc.
* No credits.


* All entries must be received by 4 p.m. on Monday, March 1, 2010. No late entries will be accepted.
* Entries should be mailed or delivered to the following address. Please refer to the attached map1 for directions or call (808) 203-5543 on Oahu.

HMSA Teen Video Awards Contest
Hawaii Department of Education
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and
Communities Program
475 22nd Ave., Room 120
Honolulu, HI 96816


* A panel of judges will select the finalists and winners.
* Awards will be given for the following videos:
o Best fitness/nutrition.
o Best drug-free.
o Best tobacco-free.
o Best underage drinking prevention.
o Best social health.
o Best of show.
* Videos will be judged as follows:
o Content (25 percent of score): Is the message clear? Is information accurate and pertinent? If any third-party content is incorporated in the video, have appropriate releases or licenses been secured?
o Effectiveness/Impact (25 percent of score): Does the video appeal to youth? Does it make an impact on viewers?
o Creativity (25 percent of score): Is the video the original work of students that has not previously been broadcast on television? Is it creative?
o Videography (25 percent of score): Does the video contain high-quality images and sound?
* Finalists will be chosen in each of the five categories. All finalists will be notified in April 2010.

Map2 of DOE, Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program office at OCISS Annex.

For additional information, please call HMSA at (808) 952-7989 on Oahu.

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