Deadline : January 20, 2010
March 16 - 18, 2010
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
The 2010 Milton Wolf seminar examines the implications of the changing news media environment for diplomacy. It explores the widening array of newsmakers and stakeholders involved in setting the news agenda and the implications of their activities for diplomacy and foreign policy.
Draft agenda
The event is designed to bring together a diverse group of individuals representing multiple perspectives and nationalities. Panelists will include distinguished print and television journalists, bloggers and social media specialists, NGO actors involved in media outreach, academics, and diplomats.
The program is being organized by the American Austrian Foundation and undertaken under the academic leadership of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.
The conference organizers have launched an essay competition to identify motivated and thoughtful students who will enrich the conference proceedings. Seven winning essay writers will win a stipend of up to $1,500 each to attend the 2010 Milton Wolf Seminar in Vienna. The application deadline is January 20, 2010.
Click here for more information.
Source : global.asc.upenn and isanet
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